+66 88 450 8918


J. E. Lukack

Copyright © 2021 John Lukach. All rights reserved. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form without written permission of the author and its publisher.

This book is dedicated to all the victims of this massive deception – those who died too soon, too suddenly, too senselessly, whether young or old, not because they sought to do harm, but because they strived to do good –  for themselves, for their families and their friends, and  even for those they did not know – all to serve an evil  purpose.  And to all who loved them and mourn their loss.  May that loss enlighten others to the truth behind the lies, and save them from a similar fate. 

     You never know how much you really believe anything until its truth or falsehood becomes a matter of life and death to you.

                                                                               C.S. Lewis

Table of Contents

 Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis………………………………………………… 11

The Work of Charles Robert Richet………………………………………………………….. 15

Degrees of Severity………………………………………………………………………………… 24

Methods of Inducing Anaphylaxis……………………………………………………………. 31

Why Some Vaccine Recipients Appear to Walk Away Unharmed……………….. 34

The Dangers of Tinkering with the Human Genome…………………………………… 41

It’s ALL Anaphylaxis!…………………………………………………………………………….. 44

Personal Accounts and VAERS Reports………………………………………………………… 49

First Degree Anaphylaxis………………………………………………………………………… 50

Second Degree Anaphylaxis…………………………………………………………………….. 62

Third Degree Anaphylaxis……………………………………………………………………….. 64

Fourth Degree Anaphylaxis……………………………………………………………………… 73

Death on First Exposure………………………………………………………………………….. 78

Additional Evidence and Special Concerns……………………………………………………. 79

Vaccine Impact on Fertility……………………………………………………………………… 80

Vaccine Impact on Menstruation………………………………………………………………. 81

Lost Pregnancy, Spontaneous Abortion…………………………………………………….. 82

Breast Feeding Risks After Vaccination……………………………………………………. 88

Healthcare Worker Comments, Observations, Occupational Pressures……………… 89

Detailed Personal Accounts………………………………………………………………………….. 93

Additional Information on Adverse Events……………………………………………………. 99

Compromised Healthcare Workers And ‘Vaccine Sickness’………………………. 102

Serious Vaccine Administration Errors……………………………………………………. 105

Endnotes………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 109


Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis  

Influenza A and B, commonly known as the flu, tend to show up predictably each year at the same time and is caused by a relatively benign corona virus.  It is less of an illness and more a type of evidence that your body’s immune system is doing what it is designed to do.  Minor cold and flu symptoms are the way the body naturally detoxes, and it is only because such efforts are under appreciated that we have the arrogance to complain and ascribe the experience as illness.  


The “pandemic” we are experiencing is little more than an average flu season that has been weaponized into something we are being told is far worse and quite unique – and it is, but only in rather insignificant ways.  All the world’s a stage as the saying goes.  Welcome to the ‘Covid Show.’ The pandemic is nothing more than an average flu season, and as flu seasons go it is actually a fair amount below average in terms of annual recorded instances.  It also ended last April.  


Over the past two decades, a lot of unethical research has been going on which is known as gain-of-function research. This type of work seeks to run experiments that increase the capability, virulence and transmissibility of various pathogens.  With the possible exception of creating bio-weapons, this type of activity has no useful purpose.  It was for this reason that it was banned in the U.S. and elsewhere but, unfortunately, those wishing to continue the work managed to get around these restrictions, disguising it in various ways before simply moving the labs offshore and continuing to pursue their goals wherever they found a safe haven in which to do so.  

Without getting into all the details of this activity, the stage hands of the Covid Show, the advancement of this research, and what it supposedly produced, can all be found in China, specifically the Wuhan Lab, at least that is what we have been told. For the purpose of this material, how this happened and the specifics of it, is of little import.  I am going to deal rather directly with what came as a result of this work, but certain facts need to be understood, so I will briefly cover those to provide context.


SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19

The terms SARS-CoV2 and COVID-19 are frequently and incorrectly used interchangeably.  If we are to deal here in facts, we must take the greatest possible care to be precise in our use of such terms.  COVID-19 does not refer to any particular disease with its own symtomology.  It is more of an umbrella that covers far too broad a range of illnesses and symptoms than it is possible for one disease to have, and the net result of this ambiguity is confusion.  SARS-CoV2, however, is quite specific and currently defined as a corona family pathogen, a virus whose actual existence is highly questionable, since there is not one solitary properly done isolation of it anywhere you would expect to find it, which includes the corpses of people said to have died as a result of catching it.  And that one fact cannot be disputed or proven false, not by you or anyone else.  Many have tried, and made worthy efforts to track this bug down, all without success.  If anyone does have it isolated, they won’t show you because that would allow someone to analyze it and discover everything it is not. 


Truthfully, its existence is irrelevant, because a specially designed corona strain is not really required to pull off a pandemic scare. Any average flu bug will do, but let’s assume 12

SARS-CoV2 is a thing and not get hung up on that.  If it exists, it is a corona mutation that has been artificially bio-engineered through gain-of-function research to make it even more transmissible than it already is. Even with heightened transmissibility, it was never any more dangerous than any corona before it, since the symptoms caused by this infection are only life-threatening in cases where the immune system of person who contracts it is, for a variety of reasons, too weak to fight it off.  And because this was a new strain, it had not made its way around the world yet, as all new mutations of corona bugs do.  It was chosen to be the infamous “COVID-19,” as will every future variant of it, because of its wide range of common symptoms and its ability to mutate.  

It is this natural shape-shifting ability that has made it impossible in the past to defend against it with any sort of preventative vaccine product.  Every such attempt has failed because every time an attempt was made, the resulting vaccine adversely affected the immune system it was supposed to empower.  The biology here is complex but, simply put, the result of all previous attempts to create a vaccine for flu is that all the animal test subjects consistently died after being vaccinated. 

CV-19 Vaccines Provide Zero Immunity 

Shockingly, the CV-19 vaccines being offered today are no different, and we would have known that had any animal testing been done.  That is why there wasn’t any.  Despite this inherent danger, such vaccines are currently being administered as fast as possible to people all over the world, who are now scared to death in most cases, of a relatively benign pathogen that has been over-hyped as something it is not.  And it is out of the sheer panic this mass media and governmental fear campaign has produced that many have been misled in an overly heavy-handed way. They have been allowed, even encouraged, to assume that a new kind of medical technology has overcome the problems of the past, and that these new mRNA vaccines provide immunity to SARS-CoV2.  

The fact is, they don’t, and nowhere in any of the testing data or product literature is immunity specifically stated as a benefit.  In its place you will see a slippery statement like “Based on the evidence, we have reason to believe this product is safe and 95 percent effective in the prevention of SARS-CoV2.”  


This is not the same as immunity.  It is telling you that the manufacturer believes its theoretical statement. They are not telling you a fact, and their claims of safety and efficacy are shameless statistical trickery.  Not only is the pathogen not dangerous (any illness with a 99.97 percent survival rate is not dangerous), these vaccines provide nothing of value that cannot be obtained from simply eating healthy and taking a few vitamins, but what’s worse, they are anything but benign.  Any person seriously considering taking one of these vaccines, needs to understand what they actually are. All mRNA vaccine products are covert depopulation bio-weapons, designed specifically to cull the herd of undesirable humans, and I am going to not only prove this, but I am going to blow the lid off this plot using evidence taken from official medical reports and statements made by actual vaccine recipients who have fallen victim to the effects of these poison shots.


Because I smelled a rat very early on and could not believe how fast all my freedoms were being taken away, I became really angry with the whole Covid-imposed environment – the mandates, the mask orders, the curfews, the outrageous harassment I was subjected to by frightened hypochondriacs and mask police. I was personally assaulted, on a daily basis, from every direction.  I watched the world just roll over and buy this scam.  I could see this was rapidly getting far out of hand.  It was shocking.  There was no way this could be real, there would be bodies in the streets, and I saw nothing of the sort.  I didn’t know how I was going to do it at the time, but something had to be done, and it was then that I decided I had to take action.  


To that end, I have been hard at work since this pandemic began, and I have put in thousands of hours of intense study of everything connected to it.  What I am about to tell you in this book is the result of a tireless and obsessive effort, but the work is far from complete.  I plan to release a lot more information in the future, but right now the most important aspect of this work is to expose what this vaccine is doing, or there won’t be anyone left to properly maintain the society I miss.  I can do that with near perfect clarity now, so pay attention.  Your life depends on it.  If you get this vaccine you will die prematurely.  It may take as long as a year or so, but trust me when I tell you, its only purpose is to kill you through the perversion of your own immune system, and it accomplishes this task extremely well.  In that respect, it will actually turn out to be more than 95 percent effective.


Everyone has a theory, and I have read them all. Many are very good and well- researched, and I have the highest respect for the people putting forth those ideas because they know way more than I do. They are on the right track.  However, the problem I see is a common one:  In my opinion, they cannot see the forest through the trees. On February 20th, 2021, I had a breakthrough in my work.  I made a discovery that explained every adverse reaction report I had read about, and I have read tens of thousands of them.  


I want to introduce you to a man who died more than a hundred years ago, but whose work is the cornerstone of the most diabolical eugenics effort ever devised – an effort that dwarfs Adolph Hitler’s contribution to history.  That man is Charles Richet.


The Work of Charles Robert Richet



Professor Charles Robert Richet was a French physiologist at the Collège de France known for his pioneering work in immunology.  In 1913, he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “in recognition of his work on anaphylaxis.”i 


He was also an outspoken eugenicist with a hatred of Blacks.  Richet was a proponent of eugenics, advocating sterilization and marriage prohibition for those with mental disabilities.


Richet expressed his eugenicist ideas in his 1919 book La

Sélection Humaine.  From 1920 to 1926, he presided over the French Eugenics Society. Psychologist Gustav Jahoda noted that Richet “was a firm believer in the inferiority of Blacks, comparing black people to apes, and intellectually to imbeciles.”



Nearly everything the mass media repeats with

regard to COVID-

is false. 


COVID-19 and the False Campaign of Fear 


This is an important historical footnote, because the CV-19 vaccines are a response to COVID-19, a mythical terror which is simply the common seasonal flu, covertly rebranded by the eugenist profiteers who currently infest organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as a serious ‘novel’ health threat, created in a bio-weapons lab, that was ‘accidentally’ released.  


This frightening horror story allowed them to manufacture a global fear campaign that has only one goal:  To make you so afraid of contracting a cold that you will line up for a vaccine to protect against it. The CV-19 vaccines are genetically engineered monstrosities, with a carefully designed flaw that can be hidden almost entirely and passed off as any number of adverse events that are as common with vaccine procedures as they are with flus, and this was the first clue. Both of these symptom lists are virtually identical!


The eugenics movement is alive and well, disguised as caring physicians, medical associations, research laboratories and philanthropic health organizations, and if you understand this, you can plainly see the influence and effect of this insidious eugenics movement in public policy everywhere now. Nearly everything the mass media repeats with regard to COVID-19 is false.


The Discovery of Anaphylaxis


Back in 1913, Charles Richet made a very important contribution to the current generation of eugenicists with his Nobel Prize winning discovery of what he called “Anaphylaxis.”  Beyond this significant achievement, Richet did little else worthy of note.  He was a “one-hit wonder” so to speak, after which he disappeared into history studying areas of parapsychology until his death in 1935. But in his 1913 Nobel acceptance speech1, he outlined the results of his research into allergic reactions and even coined the term “Anaphylaxis.”  I strongly encourage everyone to read it.



There are many who suspect

something is wrong, but

now it can be proven.


This one speech provides all the answers needed to clearly explain everything being missed by doctors today, all of whom are completely baffled by the sheer scope of symtomology being attributed to COVID-19, and all of which is evidence of vaccine- related injury.  It is clear and indisputable evidence.  But only if you recognize what it is you are looking at.  


This is the problem.  It is the same problem that Charles Richet overcame in his work, with a superior ability to observe patterns and correctly assign them to specific causal relationships. (A talent, it appears, this author has in common with the late immunologist.)  Charles Richet’s speech, and all of his findings, are murder mystery clues that are now more than 108 years old and, from what I can see, either long forgotten or completely ignored. This is why Richet’s work provided a perfect way to plan billions of perfect murders. And this mass genocide is currently succeeding because, until this very moment, no one has been knowledgeable or observant enough to put it all together, connect the dots, and come forward to expose this clever deception.  There are many who suspect something is wrong with all this vaccine hysteria, but now it can be proven.


People who are believed to be dying of SARS-CoV2, aka COVID-19, are NOT dying of SARS-CoV2, or Antibody-Induced Enhancement (AIE) – which is where the really smart doctors, who know something is amiss, are being encouraged to look.   Because while recognizing the potential of AIE as a causal factor is not entirely wrong, I tend to think it may be impossible to conclusively prove.  


Unfortunately, for the victims of this genocide, all they can offer are complaints that the vaccine makers are well prepared to defend against, and they have done so in many cases well in advance, by quietly predicting all future vaccine injury as “possible adverse reactions” (ADR) and “side effects.”  But as Dr. Robert E. Willner MD, PhD. famously said in 1993, “There is no such thing as a side effect.  There are only additional direct effects.”  


All such effects are well known to the manufacturers and they have done their level best to hide, obfuscate and outright deny every extreme ADR example, especially death, and convincingly look you in the eye and call that effect “UNRELATED.”  The time has come to stop this madness and save the entire world from these monsters.


Anaphylaxis and Vaccine-Related Injury 


This is what doctors and victims do not yet understand: All severe CV-19 cases, and every single vaccine-related adverse event, are all examples of varying degrees of anaphylaxis.  


All the related adverse reactions (ADR), especially premature death being reported as the result of a conspicuous subsequent Covid-19 infection, or following a CV-19 vaccine procedure, are all evidence of hypersensitivity to specific foreign proteins that have been deliberately injected into the blood stream, or to specific foreign proteins that enter the blood as a result of a bio-synthetic mRNA replacement chain that instructs cells that are already within the body to express them. 


Some of these proteins may have already be present in the body, having been introduced in a previous vaccination procedures or other injectable medications.  These are primary exposures. Any CV-19 vaccine adverse event, especially death, even symptoms being mis-diagnosed and reported as Covid-19, are not separate instances of independent illness or evidence of an unknown pre-existing condition.  They are symptoms that result from secondary exposures of the twin proteins that unleash varying degrees of anaphylactic response based upon their degree of specificity, and the wide-ranging symptoms presented in each case are attributable to the unique biochemical make-up of each individual.


Anaphylaxis Is Literally an Example of the Body Involuntarily Attempting to Commit Suicide!



This event is triggered by the injection, or intra-cellular genetic manufacture, of a protein that specifically matches another protein already present in the body, to which the body has previously developed allergic hypersensitivity.  Anaphylaxis is literally an example of the body involuntarily attempting to commit suicide!


Richet’s work proved that every time a foreign alien protein is deliberately introduced into the blood stream, the body will respond to that invader by priming an unexpectedly strong, violent, and potentially lethal, anaphylactic immune response.  He called this the preparatory injection.  Today this is known as pathogenic priming.


Richet discovered that, immediately following the introduction of any alien foreign protein into the bloodstream, an incubation period followed. This period varied a bit in humans, anywhere from 14-30 days, with the average time being 21 days.  The body will be, forever afterwards, primed to deliver this fatal anaphylactic allergic immune response anytime the same protein is reintroduced into the blood stream via injection.  All such proteins become lethal poisons which can kill in trace amounts as small as .00001ml. This amount is vanishingly small.  Keep this in mind if you ever question the toxicity of ingredients in any vaccine formulation. 


Every vaccine includes a whole list of them.  Doctors typically scoff at such concerns, and they will explain to you that ‘anti-vaxxers’ are crazy when they warn of all the toxins a typical vaccine includes in its ingredient list, because the amount of any one of them is so minute it cannot possibly harm you.  They are wrong.  And they are ignorant of the work of Charles Richet.  Test your doctor. Ask him if he even knows who Richet is.


In this book, for the first time anywhere, I will reveal the specifics of this nightmarish plan and exactly how it is supposed to work.  I will show you the proof, which can be found in Richet’s 1913 speech, and show you, with first-hand accounts of actual CV-19 vaccine recipients, exactly what is certain to occur when this sinister vaccine product unleashes the anaphylactic reaction that is intended to be fatal. 


To my knowledge, I am the only person, outside of this eugenicist cabal, who has been able to recognize that anaphylaxis accurately describes exactly why ALL mRNA VACCINES WILL LEAVE ALL RECIPIENTS OF THEM EITHER PERMANENTLY DISABLED, TERMINALLY ILL, OR IMUNOCOMPROMISED AND SUSCEPTIBLE TO DEATH AT ANY TIME – especially the ones created to combat CV-19 and its mutations, which offer no viral immunity protection whatsoever.  


The Pandemic Was Created to Facilitate the Vaccine 


The vaccine manufacturers are infested with, and openly funded by, eugenicist proponents. The true purpose of the entire pandemic hoax, and the relentless fear campaign that surrounds it, is a coercive psychological strategy that has already misled millions of people into voluntarily giving up their lives to advance this culling effort. 


It is the goal of such people to selectively eliminate much of what they consider to be undesirable excess population, but they do not have any way to simply execute that many people. The people would not allow it, nor would we simply kill ourselves without encouragement. The pandemic has been created to provide that encouragement.  


Living in a continual state of perpetual isolation, fear and hopelessness is driving many to insanity.  It is a condition that is completely contrary to human nature and deprives us of things we need to survive in healthy ways, and those people acutely affected by such extended deprivations are taking their own lives by the hundreds.  We are being treated as slaves and infectious farm animals while we await death.  It is also why everyone in a position of authority on health matters works feverishly to keep up the appearance of trying to help us. But despite everything they do, they never seem to accomplish anything. Always new cases, always more restrictions, and they just continue to move imaginary goal posts for “getting back to normal” farther and farther into the future.


While all of the actors play their assigned roles, all of these so-called health protection practices contribute only to our physical weakness, and significantly so, such that all eventual occurrences of both severe COVID-19 or CV-19 vaccine adverse reactions, have been just shrugged off as unfortunate bad luck for which no one is responsible.  And that legal cover was secured for all involved well in advance of 2020.  


All CV-19 Vaccine ADR’s Are the Result of Induced Anaphylaxis 


That protection is known today as “State of Emergency Legislation” and “Emergency Use Authorization.”  This is the only information that can potentially overturn all of that and allow us to prosecute those involved.  I am asking you to bring this information to the attention of as many people as you possibly can, especially those who can most credibly use it to fight. The stakes are unimaginably high. This plan endangers the entire human race.


Summarized below are the key facts discovered by Charles Richet that are undeniably confirmed, and how they can be used to conclusively prove that all CV-19 vaccine ADR’s are the direct result of repeated exposure to one or more specific proteins that induce mild to severe anaphylaxis in subjects due to the pre-disposed hyper-sensitivities that result when the same protein is reintroduced.  



What Richet learned was how

to induce allergic  hypersensitivity.

This hypersensitivity is permanent.

This is the eugenicists’ weapon.

Once the preparing protein has been delivered, the identical unleashing protein can be reliably found in the formulations of various common vaccines, in the CV-19 vaccine, or later expressed in the host body as a result of the mRNA they introduce.  Additional evidence for this conclusion can be found in the text of Richet’s 1913 Nobel Prize acceptance speech, and in the subsequent research of several others who followed him.  I will frequently paraphrase and use excerpts from that speech as we go.


Richet’s experiments proved that hypersensitivity was an immune phenomenon.  His work in anaphylaxis helped to

elucidate diseases such as hay fever and asthma, as well as others that arise from massive allergic reactions. Further analysis by other researchers demonstrated the reasons for the dual toxic effects of actinotoxin, immunogenicity and hyper-sensitizing at the same time. What Richet learned was how to induce allergic hypersensitivity. This hypersensitivity is permanent. This is the eugenicists’ weapon.  Richet wrote: ii“Phylaxis, a word seldom used, stands in the Greek for protection. Anaphylaxis will thus stand for the opposite. Anaphylaxis, from its Greek etymological source, therefore, means that state of an organism in which it is rendered hypersensitive, instead of being protected. To make this plain, we will consider the example of a subject that has received a poison.


When a subject’s bloodstream is repeatedly exposed to a moderate dosage of poison via injection there are three possible outcomes:


The first and simplest is that there has been no change in the organism and that in receiving the same dosage as one month previously, exactly the same phenomena will result, in exactly the same conditions. Naturally, this is what happens most of the time.


The second possibility is that the subject has become less sensitive. In other words, the preceding intoxication has produced a certain condition of tolerance or nonsensitivity. This will mean that a stronger dose is necessary at the second injection to give the same results. This is the case of (relative) immunization.


The third possibility, frequently to be observed in certain conditions which I will specify, is of heightened sensitivity. The first injection, instead of protecting the organism, renders it more fragile and more susceptible. This is anaphylaxis.  The second dose when injected previously even the smallest dose as low as 0.00001ml, [an infinitesimally minute amount], the subject will immediately show serious symptoms like vomiting, blood diarrhea, syncope, unconsciousness, asphyxia and death.”  Remember these symptoms.


Richet discovered three main factors that were borne out in repeated experiments with various animal subjects. We will concern ourselves only with the specific circumstances that apply to human subjects:


  1. A subject that has had a previous injection is far more sensitive than a new subject.


  1. The symptoms characteristic of the second injection, such as the swift and total depression of the nervous system, do not in any way resemble the symptoms characterizing the first injection.


  1. On average, a 21- day period must elapse before the anaphylactic state results.

This is the period of incubation.  SOUND FAMILIAR?



                   Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Information CDC     

 CDC   https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid -19/info-by-product/pfizer/index.html

                                                      2-dose series separated by 21 days) A series started with COVID     -19 vaccine

The choice of 21 days is not accidental.  Had Pfizer chosen 31 days, the second dose (Pfizer) should be completed with this product.                                                          


The choice of 21 days is not accidental.  Had Pfizer chosen 31 days, the second dose would kill almost everyone they gave it to if emergency intervention was not available to all the recipients, and distribution would be halted – like it was at one super vaccination center in California as a result of more than a few too-frequent serious and consecutive ADR’s. Apparently, there were an above-average number of previously hyper-sensitized people in the line that day. 


What happened?  Pfizer blamed the incidents on a batch that most likely went bad due to mishandling of the vials in an outdoor environment. It doesn’t matter what they said however, because it is never their fault when something bad happens. Not that they have any legal liability to concern themselves with anyway, but it looks better to say they intend to investigate it thoroughly, which is akin to a allowing a rapist to investigate his own rape case.


The incubation period varies according to the poison used rather than according to the host subject.  This is important to recognize, and partially explains the broad range of anaphylactic response in reported ADR. 



“The anaphylactogen

poison will be

forever after

be contained in the subject’s blood.”


– Charles R.



With all the possible reactions that could result from everything in the ingredient list, prescreening of vaccine participants is all vaccine providers need to do to turn someone away if they think they already had a sensitizing exposure, like from a protein in another vaccine product, such as the annual flu shot.  Not that anyone would warn you necessarily, but the ability to throttle the occurrences down a bit in this way with an ADR advisory is quite possible and easily achieved. All that is needed is a subject’s vaccine and medication history, something healthcare workers routinely collect.


“Furthermore,” according to Richet, “instead of applying only to toxins and toxalbumins, it holds good for all proteins, whether toxic at the first injection or not.”  (Toxalbumins are toxic plant proteins that disable ribosomes and thereby inhibit protein synthesis, producing severe cytotoxic effects in multiple organ systems.)Anaphylaxis occurs after every subsequent injection, and multiple organ failure sometime thereafter.”


It is here that things get really interesting.  Because an anaphylactic state can also be produced by taking the blood of an anaphylactized subject and injecting it into a normal subject, Richet discovered that the anaphylactogen poison is an additional chemical substance produced by the subject’s body that will forever after be contained in the subject’s blood.” This is the pathogeny of anaphylaxis.



Because there are so many adjuvants and proteins involved in vaccine formulations, as well as other injectable solutions and medications, isolating exactly which protein a subject has become hypersensitive to can be difficult to determine, even if one knows what they are looking for, and the range of possibilities allows for considerable variation in the same subject as well as across multiple subjects.  


This makes it extremely difficult for a doctor to diagnose the exact cause of any reaction.  It is for this same exact reason that pharmaceutical manufacturers can claim any number of external factors or pre-existing conditions that “could have” been significant and using this tactic to deflect attention away from their products is a standard operating procedure.  


And they tend to get away with this ruse, because doctors typically do not understand that they specifically need to look for answers in the list of proteins a subject has been parenterally exposed to previously.  And while it is true that the first exposure could have happened any number of ways that I will go on to explain, it is just absurd not to immediately examine this vaccine formulation before any other possible primary exposure is even considered, because people are currently being given the same shot twice, separated by enough time to incubate an allergic hypersensitivity, and we are seeing far too many instances of severe ADR to go on looking the other way.  



Once a subject  has been


and modified in his chemical

constitution, the

subject can never go back to is former state.

Return to normal is not possible.  


If one were to just look at the number of CV-19 vaccine adverse events and compare that to the number of vaccines given, the sheer number of adverse events that have been reported thus far, and the rate at which they are occurring, should have been enough to immediately put a halt to continued vaccination drives. There have never been this many serious adverse effects associated with any medication or treatment in the past, and a far less number would have been enough to take it off the market. The fact that vaccine drives have not already been halted should indicate to everyone that this overwhelming push to vaccinate everyone anyway is far more important to vaccine manufacturers than the health of CV-19 vaccine recipients. 


Doctors rarely suspect the vaccines because they have been assured for years that they are reasonably safe.  They are not.  Plenty has gone wrong with new vaccine products in the past, but when events happened, even when the same adverse result happened over and over again, doctors and victims alike were told every extreme instance was “rare and unexpected” and many doctors hesitate to question that.  The reason for this is simple.  Pharmaceutical companies spend a lot on ensuring that outcome.


One thing Richet was unable to determine was when, if ever, this hyper-sensitivity would diminish or pass entirely, and despite many attempts to ascertain, with any degree of certainty, a specific expectation of susceptibility in any case he studied, he finally concluded that “Once a subject has been anaphylactized and consequently modified in his chemical constitution, the subject can never go back to his former state. Return to normal is not possible.” he said.  An interesting and strangely prophetic choice of words to be sure.  Richet went on to say “Anaphylactic symptoms also vary to a great extent, although the differences are marked rather according to the nature of the experimental animal than according to the nature of the poison used. It is indeed worthy of note to find that “the phenomena are constant, whatever the poison used.” 


Degrees of Severity



Richet described four degrees of severity that he observed when using dogs as the animal subject but, as it turns out, dogs are extremely close to humans if you compare symptoms in the various degrees of anaphylactic responses they experience.  As you go on to read the personal accounts of people who have reported adverse reactions to the CV-19 vaccines I want you to keep the list of canine symptoms in mind, because you will see them over and over again in the complaints of patients who survive the CV-19 vaccination procedure but experience mild to severe ADR. In the cases where the patient did not survive, the cause of death in dogs, in every case, was consistently similar to what was observed in fatal CV-19 vaccine human reactions, what Richet defines as “fourth degree anaphylaxis.”


Richet said, “In the lightest form, the main symptom is itching.” The vast majority of ADR reports include all kinds of dermatitis and injection site inflammations.


“The next stage in anaphylactic intensity is characterized by itching again, but this time more violent. This is followed, almost immediately, by various symptoms: more rapid breathing, lowered blood pressure, faster heartbeat, vomiting, blood diarrhea and rectal tenesmus” (cramping rectal pain).


“At the third degree,” Richet said,depression of the nervous system is such that the itching has gone or almost gone. The subject has no strength to vomit, there is diarrhea, blood in the stool, the fluid passed from the rectum is often almost wholly blood.” (Take note of ADR reports that include blood in urine and stool, bleeding from the nose, mouth, or any mucosal surface, including heavy menstrual flows subsequent to vaccination.) 


“The nervous symptoms often develop so suddenly and violently that there is no time for colic and diarrhea. Ataxia follows at once,” Richet continues. (Ataxia describes a


This brutal assault of the

poison on the

nervous system is what is now called

anaphylactic shock.


lack of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements, such as walking or picking up objects. A sign of an underlying condition, ataxia can affect various movements and create difficulties with speech, eye movement and swallowing.Feelings of drunken intoxication, dilated pupils, the subject may fall to the ground, unconscious, or unresponsive. Labored or agonized breathing is common. The heartbeat may be faint, there is a rapid and acute loss of blood pressure.  All the symptoms point to the central nervous system being the seat of severe and sudden intoxication.” 


This brutal assault of the poison on the nervous system is what is now called anaphylactic shock.  The list of more acute symptoms that Richet observed included violent convulsions and paralysis.  In his animal subjects, death immediately followed.  In vaccine ADR accounts, we see both progressive and permanent instances of both in those who survive, as well as Bells Palsy, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, uncontrollable tremors, spasms and facial tics.


Richet continued; “Fourth degree is the most serious in which any of the symptoms displayed in lesser degrees worsen to such a point that death occurs within hoursSometimes, however, a subject may briefly recover.”  

Sometimes, however, the patient may

briefly recover.

This pattern of brief recovery

repeats often in almost all

vaccine ADR

reports that end tragically.



This pattern of brief recovery repeats often in almost all vaccine ADR reports that end tragically. After 15 or 30 minutes of hell, some extreme symptomatic episodes may appear to have passed and the patient is allowed to go home, but they do so reporting residual complaints that may persist for days or even weeks afterwards. In reports where death is the end result, typically the stories recount people that go home and die within one to four days.  More than one has passed out while driving, resulting in a fatal traffic accident.  Many die alone and are only discovered later in their beds, on the floor, or sitting in a chair. 

Often death takes place during the night following the

injection, but consistently after a period of apparent recovery.  


This is the also a pattern that is repeated in the death reports coming from nursing and care homes where, at last count on February 12th, 2021, the rate of death following either dose of CV-19 vaccine was 54.79 percent for all people in the 75+ age group.  That’s more than HALF!


In the reports of injection site reactions, there are frequent accounts of something resembling tumorous masses that persist for days and weeks after, many with associated redness and other skin irritations. Nicolas Maurice Arthus, a contemporary of Richet’s noticed that “in rabbits, if both preparing and unleashing injections were given in the same spot ulcers and gangrene was commonly observed but no other symptoms.”  


I am not currently aware of anyone reporting gangrene in CV-19 vaccine recipients, however reports do mention the sudden appearance of bullae, which are fluid-filled pustules and other lesions.  These localized effects of anaphylaxis were often called the “Arthus phenomenon” after Nicolas Maurice Arthus, the French immunologist and physiologist who first observed it.  Arthus also noted that rabbits frequently displayed respiratory conditions following injections that, in humans, would be described as pneumonia.  


These occurrences are being frequently misdiagnosed as COVID-19 infection.  As I stated earlier, COVID-19 is not its own disease.  Therefore, it is inappropriate to use the term to describe any condition.  Reports of people, especially the elderly, coming down with pneumonia or persistent flu symptoms immediately after vaccination are extremely common, as are intense headaches, fatigue, muscle aches and pains, loss of taste, fever, chills, sweats, swollen lymph nodes and other endocrine gland sensitivity and/or swelling and general malaise. It must be pointed out that symptoms of flu are identical to symptoms of mild anaphylaxis because to call these reactions COVID-19 is to both deny COVID-19 is flu and flu can be confused with mild anaphylaxis.  It is like defining specific words as hate speech.  All words are speech.  Allowing the same pointless distinctions in medical diagnosis predisposes a physician to rule out certain treatments and diagnoses based on nothing, which is just poorly practiced medicine.  There is a misplaced fear of blaming vaccines amongst doctors which is as insidious and serious as the misplaced fear people now have of common colds, and legitimatizing such errors can only lead to more serious errors that frequently have lifethreatening consequences.


In his Nobel address, Richet also recounted the story of a doctor who had given himself a preventive injection of anti-plague serum. This doctor later tried to encourage his students to believe that this was a good idea, and to prove it was safe, he gave himself a   second dose, to set an example.  That second injection however It is only in the had an unleashing effect and killed him two hours later.  Richet rarest case that went on to say, “the effects of anaphylaxis in mankind are the first injection very well known.”  Keep these facts in mind later, as you read is productive of the first-hand accounts.  “It is only in the rarest case,” Richet immediate said, “that the first injection is productive of immediate reaction. When it reaction. When it comes to the second injection, an immediate reaction follows for 90 percent of the cases, that is to say, when comes to the the period between the first and second injection is from 10 to

second injection,         30 days.”  an immediate         

reaction follows The symptoms being observed are very close to symptoms for 90 percent of Richet cited when observing his animal subjects:  Urticaria” the cases. (Also called the nettle rash, a disease characterized by a  transient eruption of red pimples or plaques (wheals), accompanied with a burning or stinging sensation and with itching; “Erythema” (Erythema is a type of skin rash caused

by injured or inflamed blood capillaries that usually occurs in response to a drug, disease or infection. Rash severity ranges from mild to life threatening.); “Pangs of pain, itching, and in the worst cases demi-syncope, with nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia, edema over the whole skin area and general urticaria.” All these symptoms can be searched in public databases that record vaccine ADR, which I strongly recommend that everyone considering the vaccine look through.


On substances apt to develop the anaphylactic state, Richet distinguished between colloids and crystalloids; “Crystalloids are on the whole non-active. I am not aware of any successful attempt to induce anaphylaxis by one crystallizable salt or by any alkaloid. On the other hand,” he said, all the proteins, without exception, produce anaphylaxis, with all sera, milks, organic extracts whatsoever, all vegetable extracts, microbial protein toxins, yeast cells, dead microbial bodies. It would be of more interest now to find a protein which does not produce anaphylaxis, than to find one that does.” 


Proteins are the building blocks of the body and the body creates them all the time as needed.  Any protein created by the body is considered “self.”  Any alien foreign protein that is mechanically introduced is considered by the body as “not self.”  It is really that simple. Vaccine antigens are alien foreign proteins.  This is why vaccines elicit an immune response. In fact, all attenuated vaccines contain one or more proteins. This is what constitutes the attenuated viral material, but repeatedly introducing the same foreign protein causes hypersensitivity and the result of that second exposure is anaphylaxis.  The only thing that is different about mRNA vaccines is the source of the foreign material. It is certainly not safer for this reason.


The mRNA in CV-19 vaccines are instructions that use host cells in the body to create foreign proteins.  All such proteins are considered ‘not self’ by the body and the body attacks them all. So as a population obsessed with vaccines, we are building a lengthy list of toxins we are all hypersensitive to, to which any secondary parenteral exposure will, with complete certainty, cause some degree of anaphylaxis.  The degree remember, is based upon the poison, so the closer in chemical composition a secondary exposure is to the first, namely its specificity, is what governs the severity of the reaction.  


Richet explains: “Most important of all is the degree of specificity, meaning how similar the preparatory injection is to the unleashing injection.  For example, if the preparatory injection is of goat’s milk, then the unleashing injection will be much stronger, and will have more intensive effects if made from goat’s milk than if made from cow’s or sheep’s milk.” 


Both Moderna and Pfizer have two dose vaccine products and they tell us not to mix the brands.  It follows then, that they are in some way different, but exactly how they differ is something to examine more closely.  Certainly, ‘different’ translates into ‘safer’ according to Richet, but we are being told to get the exact same formulation twice in a row.  If all injections of specific brands of CV-19 vaccine doses are the same each time (according to the literature each dose is the same), and they are administered in two doses with 21 days in between, this is a recipe for disaster!  It is not how you protect anyone. It is how you deliberately induce anaphylaxis.  Can no one see that?  If the time needed to incubate hypersensitivity in humans is 14-30 days then 21 days is right in the middle of that range, meaning that regardless of what particular protein sets off an unleashing effect, if the incubation period completes, a violent anaphylactic reaction is all but guaranteed.



The effects  do not ever go

away. They are  for life.


Consider Russian roulette.  With the first injection you play with one loaded chamber. With a second, you play with four loaded chambers.  Add a third injection (as Bill Gates has recently suggested we do) very nearly the same as the either of first two, and the chances of having any empty chambers in the gun reduces to nothing. For a population reduction program to succeed, using a vaccine that killed everyone immediately after every second dose would be far too obvious a flaw in the vaccine, but at 21 days some people will surely die while others will not.  Instead, you will see them present varying degrees of anaphylactic response on the second exposure from next to none all the way up to death, obviously, because the incubation period had not effectively completed in every case.  But why suggest three? 

Is Gates unhappy with the ADR death toll?  And if the incubation period that causes hyper sensitization is not completed before the second dose, this does not mean it won’t complete after 30 days.  In the case of mRNA vaccines subsequent injections may not even be not required, since the body is being programmed to create these unleashing proteins.  They are, of course, being recommended anyway.


Remember, these sensitivities do not ever go away. They are for life.  And, in the event that you have yet another CV-19 vaccination at any time down the road, because someone says later on that you need it to ensure immunity continues, or possibly due to a suggestion that it will be effective against new variants, what then?  


If the formulation you receive is the same, death is far more certain to result, and we have already been told to expect lots of new vaccines for all sorts of illnesses.  Every one of them is a new spin of the wheel of death, and the only one able to reliably predict, and selectively unleash a fatal anaphylactic reaction every time, is the vaccine manufacturer, who knows exactly what is in every shot and how all of them compare in terms of specificity to every other vaccine a subject is recorded to have received – something they want us to carry around with us now to leave the house or do anything in public.  


You, however, by just following orders, are gambling with your life.  How is it no one can see that these legally indemnified pharmaceutical companies, simply by keeping proprietary records, have acquired total control over life and death – and the people are at their mercy.  If you think you can figure out with 100 percent certainty what is in any vaccine, or what proteins these mRNA sequences may express in your body’s cells, I challenge you to try.  You don’t even speak this language.  The ingredient lists in the package inserts only list adjuvants that frequently induce allergic reactions with only one exposure, but the genetic instructions encoded in these mRNA sequences are not ingredients.  Even if they were to list them, such genetic sequences may as well be written in cuneiform.  Individual patients do not even have any recourse for an error! 

This is completely unacceptable.  We can all, literally, be systematically culled from the Earth by vaccine bio-weapons without any repercussions, making coercive vaccine requirements legalized medical tyranny.


Now, I would be remiss not to mention that Richet pointed out that his results were achieved by lining up injections and exposures intentionally and, in so doing, the results became predictable.  He does allow for the possibility that body chemistry could unravel some of his compounds over time, thereby allowing a subject to escape the incubation period that produces hypersensitivity, but he never saw it happen.  


Paradoxically, is it this very thing upon which the entire concept of vaccination is based. The idea that a toxin, delivered in a weakened or inert state, can jolt the immune system just enough to insert a memory file into the immune system’s enemy file cabinet without causing anything approaching severe anaphylaxis is a delicate matter. To achieve immunity without any anaphylactic response, even when consecutive booster shots are needed, well, that’s quite the trick, isn’t it?   


We know what happens when two consecutive parenteral exposures of any foreign protein are the same and 30 days have passed between injections, so either vaccines and vaccine boosters differ just enough in their respective preparatory ingredients, or neither the shots nor the boosters that follow contain anything valuable at all, and all they have been doing with these vaccines for years is priming more and more people by making them hypersensitive to more and more compounds until some future vaccine created later unleashes a deadly reaction.  Vaccine use has been commonplace for quite some time now, making it difficult to ascertain whether or not any of the ingredients contained in any previous vaccine formulation have anything to do with the eugenics experiment currently going on.  We just have no way of knowing if any of them, or even all of them, were given to enable specific lethal possibilities, but given the reckless and bold moves being made today by remorseless manufacturers, it cannot be entirely ruled out.


Honestly, neither you nor I, should focus on any other attenuated vaccine right now.  Only the CV-19 products. These mRNA vaccines are many orders of magnitude more dangerous because of the very manner in which they work.  They pervert our precious genome, a biological blueprint that has ensured the survival of the human race for the entire time it has been on the Earth – and that is what we are being fraudulently fearmongered and coerced to do.  


You can’t speak out about it; you can’t ask questions. Now, you either get your vaccines or live in fear, drop out of society as an outcast, or refuse them and attempt to remain in society only to be shunned like a leper. And as people make their choices, you will see more and more examples, like the ones in this book, of vaccine recipients suddenly dropping like flies and suffering all manner of extreme inflammatory maladies over time with no one to properly address the root cause of their suffering. 


It is not accidental that healthcare workers and doctors are first in line for this – not to be better able to care for you, or because of any higher likelihood that they would be exposed to a virulent pathogen, but to eliminate those with more venerable medical knowledge, and to replace them all with a new generation of pro-vaccine practitioners and even less competent robotic healthcare options that will all have “vaccine blindness.”  People will notice too late that there are fewer and fewer of these wise physicians to defend them, until all those unanswered questions about what is killing everyone around you becomes a very real thing to fear.


And that’s not the end of it – not even close.  Richet discovered passive anaphylaxis, indirect anaphylaxis, and even alimentary anaphylaxis. I will touch briefly on each one because they are important to understand – if only to speculate about how they might factor into this plan – and be combined with other things we have been told to expect whose sole purpose may be to lay even more insidious traps that hasten our demise in a similar fashion. But before I do that, let’s quickly review what we know so far.


Every Vaccine Adverse Reaction Is an Anaphylactic Response


Every vaccine adverse reaction is an example of one of the four degrees of anaphylactic response.  This is the only explanation that can explain every symptom seen in every patient and physician account of something gone wrong in a CV-19 vaccine administration procedure. 


And manufacturers are clearly aware of this.  They even tipped their hand when they cautioned people with a history of allergic reactions to avoid these injections.  But eventually, people everywhere will come up against some reason that will make them risk it. Perhaps it will be the fear of illness, or the potential loss of a job.  Maybe it will be the only way out of a quarantine facility like the ones we are seeing in other countries right now, or perhaps due to the outrageous fines being levied for challenging such mandates.  Many will be motivated simply by poverty.  Expect to see cash incentives to get vaccinated being offered very soon.

Methods of Inducing Anaphylaxis

In a series of additional experiments on the process at work here, Richet was able to show several other interesting aspects of anaphylaxis.   


  1. He was able to inject anaphylactized blood taken from one hyper-sensitized subject into a new subject that had not been deliberately hyper-sensitized and induce a lethal allergic reaction. “Almost harmless doses cause death within a matter of hours in dogs that had not been anaphylactized but had had injections of serum from anaphylactized animals.”  He called this passive anaphylaxis, and if you understand how dangerous anaphylactized blood can be, it raises all kinds of questions about the possibility of lethal apotoxins potentially contaminating stocks of human blood commonly used in medical procedures.


  1. He was also able to isolate the apotoxin itself and use that to induce a lethal allergic reaction in a new subject that had not been deliberately hypersensitized. He called this anaphylaxis in-vitro. All apotoxins caused an unusually extreme and violent reaction in his subjects causing death in as little as 36 hours.  


Just look at how many deaths follow CV-19 injections, then look at the amount of time it takes for death to occur.  Are these many thousands of unique apotoxins being recorded?


  1. He was even able to hyper-sensitize a subject in advance and induce a particularly violent, lethal reaction with a food. He called this alimentary anaphylaxis. This was not an easy feat. “Such proteins would, of course, need to be highly specific, being soluble, absorbable, and resistant to fermentation in digestive fluid,” Richet said. But consider what proteins could possibly be specifically manufactured in lab-grown meats, and there is little more to say on the topic.


  1. Indirect anaphylaxis is a bit more complex and observed over two exposures of chloroform given to a dog, with a month in between shots. Richet observed severe leukocytosis that appeared a few days after the second exposure.  Richet hypothesized that the unusual appearance of leukocytosis was a marker that provided evidence that the break-up of proteins in hepatic cells in the liver created a sensitizing reaction on the first exposure, and an unleashing reaction on the second.  He didn’t expound much on this in his address, but it is possible that any appearance of leukocytosis should be considered in the evaluation of vaccine ADR.  Richet said, “The digestive juices have powerful action, but it is probable that part of the protein escapes and certain particles pass into the circulation, thus effecting a true antigen injection, which can thus set off the leukocyte reaction. It follows that each time soluble protein is introduced by the digestive channels, anaphylactic reaction may result, as it is equivalent to an antigen injection.”


Leukocytosis is the sudden appearance of extremely high white blood cell counts that indicate the presence of abnormal inflammation. Leukocytosis itself can cause symptoms. If the number of white blood cells is high, it makes the blood so thick that it cannot flow properly. This is called hyperviscosity syndrome. It happens with leukemia, but it is rare.  This is a medical emergency that can cause a stroke, problems with vision or breathing and bleeding from mucosal areas such as the mouth, the stomach or the intestines. 


This is significant because a sudden onset of leukocytosis is evidenced by fever and pain or other symptoms at the site of an infection; fever, easy bruising, weight loss, and night sweats with leukemia and other cancers; hives, itchy skin and rashes from an allergic reaction on your skin, and breathing problems and wheezing from an allergic reaction in your lungs.



Richet found he could shorten the experiment and kill any subject with a single

injection of an infinitesimally tiny dose.


Look for these symptoms in the personal accounts included in this book. These are ALL complaints reported by CV-19 vaccine recipients and the physicians that administered vaccines to them.

I cannot possibly include them all, they number close to 26,000 at the time of this writing, but I have read many thousands of them and symptoms corresponding to leukocytosis are listed in almost every one. 


Richet made all kinds of serums from samples taken from his subjects and found he could shorten the experiment and kill any subject with a single injection of an infinitesimally tiny dose. 


He also discovered that the pairs or toxins and toxigenins need not be exactly the same to cause a reaction.  They could, in some cases, simply belong to the same allied protein group.  


What this means is that, in his day – and possibly in ours, accurately mapping out every possible protein pairing that might cause injury or death would require a massive computational ability. Obviously in 1913, Richet did not have the benefit of the supercomputers we have today, but even with them I cannot say with complete certainty that such mapping is possible.  Whether it is or is not, however, is somewhat beside the point.  Either situation is, in my opinion, a very bad one in which to be.  Failing to assign some incorruptible independent body to the task of mapping them all means that vaccine injuries may continue to appear mysterious, but the ability to map even a few specifically selected pairings allow for the execution of an effective eugenics operation, the mechanics of which would be so subtle as to never be discovered.  


Once these details like this are taken into consideration, SUCH PATTERNS ARE NOT IMPOSSIBLE TO PROVE. If the task of mapping out every potentially deadly protein pairing is too cumbersome or even impossible, then the either inadvertent or reckless creation of all these new undocumented apotoxins may explain every instance of vaccine injury we have seen thus far, due to the fact that the vaccine manufacturers simply will not, do not, or cannot, with any certainty, eliminate every possible potential for harm.  


There is certainly no incentive for them to do so.  Putting one’s self in the mindset such a plan would require, it seems that selecting specifically chosen protein pairings off a predetermined list would actually be the easiest way to execute such a plan, since all such information could be concealed and protected as proprietary commercial intellectual property.  Unfortunately, without a means of forcing vaccine manufacturers to turn over all such technical specifications and experimental data, the very act of introducing any alien foreign proteins into the blood will forever be a horribly dangerous procedure.  In his concluding remarks, Richet acknowledged this danger.


At least from the time ancient cultures mummified their dead up until the time Richet made these discoveries, the human body has not changed all that much.  Richet proved this with similar experiments that included four-thousand-year-old mummified remains, and of those results he said; “The chemical components of the human body have undergone no great variation in the course of the last four thousand years.”  The use of vaccines has changed all that, and mRNA vaccines even more so.


Why Some Vaccine Recipients Appear to Walk Away Unharmed


It is at this point that I would expect skeptical readers to be pointing out those vaccine recipients that somehow manage to walk away from even two CV-19 injections and appear to be perfectly well.  I want to be clear that I have considered how such exceptions might occur.  The first and simplest explanation I can think of would be an insufficient incubation period for a hypersensitivity to set in.


In humans, Richet discovered that there is a range of 14-30 days.  What distinguishes one person’s personal adverse reaction experience from that of another person has to do with the unique biochemical makeup of his body, while the severity depends upon the degree of specificity of the proteins introduced in both exposures.  An alternative explanation, were it to be actually happening, would represent an extreme abuse of public trust on the part of vaccine manufactures, but then this entire program is itself an extreme misuse of that trust.  


Given the blatant disregard for the heath and welfare of billions of people worldwide, additional slights are reasonable to expect.  If at some point a story broke that announced some batch vials were found to contain nothing but saline, I would not be all that surprised.  It’s not as if anyone is testing any of them before giving out injections, so such a deception might occur unnoticed.  If this were going on, those people who received injections of harmless material would serve as unwitting industry advocates who would no doubt encourage those around them who might be on the fence about getting vaccinated, to believe they are not being egregiously lied to.  


Many will recall the example of Tiffany Dover, a registered nurse who worked in a Tennessee hospital not far from her home in Higdon, Alabama, who infamously collapsed on live television during a publicity stunt where she was filmed on the day she received a Pfizer CV-19 vaccine. Tiffany received her vaccination on December 19th, 2020.  Following the incident, Pfizer damage control was redlining in overdrive after this embarrassment, and the media was awash with everything from excuses that tested the limits of credulity, to apologetic statements by other nurses, to phony fact checkers ‘correcting’ and re-telling the story in a way that might mislead people to believe what they saw was anything but what it was.  Media coverage of this event was a virtual blunderbuss of move along, nothing to see here”.  


Despite false claims that persist, even today, that Tiffany Dover is still alive, her death was recorded in Alabama public records, confirming that she died on December 23rd, 2020.  No cause of death was ever publicly disclosed.  I only point out this example to illustrate the extent vaccine manufacturers will go to fraudulently influence public opinion.  We have seen suspicious examples of politicians and actors doing vaccine promotions.  Given the Tiffany Dover fiasco, I seriously doubt Pfizer would risk such an event twice, so I find it hard to believe any of these highly publicized stage performances involved an actual CV-19 vaccine product.


Richet stated, “Each one of us, by our chemical make-up, above all by our blood and probably also by the protoplasm of each cell, is himself and no one else. In other words, he has a humoral personality. We all have a body of stored impressions which preclude our being confused with any other specimen of our kind. In the light of notions of immunity and of anaphylaxis, it is the humoral personality, which makes us different from other men by the chemical make-up of our humours.”



It is the severe anaphylactic

reactions that can be

deliberately and

precisely induced by simply

allowing for

enough time to incubate

hypersensitivity that should be

cause for major concern.


Pharmaceutical product literature discloses the fact that all vaccines contain toxic ingredients in their formulations, some of which may trigger various allergic responses with a single exposure.  If a specific hypersensitivity is present, that would clearly result in a serious event, but mild allergic reactions should not be confused with anaphylactic events. It is the severe anaphylactic reactions that can be deliberately and precisely induced by simply allowing for enough time to incubate hypersensitivity that should be cause for major concern.  It is difficult for any average person to know in advance what, if any, hyper-sensitizations they personally have.


But other antigens, such as the proteins that are manufactured by host cells as a direct result of introducing a foreign mRNA sequence into a person’s body, that continue to proliferate to other cells over time, is a completely different process from directly injecting whole proteins that serve as toxins and toxigenins into the bloodstream.  Here, we can apply a specific statement Richet made:  “Over and above the individual differences due to diverse means of immunization, there are individual differences due to diverse anaphylactizations. One has only to think of the innumerable quantity of substances that are anaphylactizing and the substances that can immunize, and one will conclude that the chemical or humoral diversity is, so to say, unlimited with the different individuals.” 


The Collection and Cataloging of DNA Samples Will Create Vast Databases of Information to Further Tamper with the Human Genome


Companies like Moderna have already publicly stated their intent to introduce mRNA vaccine products for all kinds of illnesses, each one further tampering with the genetic makeup of human beings in a manner that creates innumerable ways in which our own immune system can be manipulated, either precisely or accidentally. These constitute genetic manipulations capable of instantly unleashing the lethal self-destructive capabilities of our own immune system. For this reason alone, this reckless adulteration of the human genome cannot be allowed to continue.


And here is where the collection and cataloging of DNA samples to create vast databases of information is cause for serious concern.  This is being done with data collected by genealogy companies like 23&Me, and Ancestory.com.  It is also collected in certain police investigations, but by far the most comprehensive catalog ever compiled is now being assembled through the collection of every one of these Covid test swab kits!  


Make no mistake, this is exactly what is being done with that information, and there are technology contracts for such cataloging that have those capable of doing this falling over themselves to bid on.  Just imagine what evil could be accomplished with such a DNA repository in which every individual’s predispositions and medical trivialities are collected and recorded without their knowledge or consent and open to examination by drug makers.  That should make you think about everything you get from your local pHARMacy.  



 Additional short- term risks include


miscarriages, and spontaneous



Adding to the immediate short-term risks of anaphylaxis, other outspoken and highly credible medical professionals have offered a variety of opinions on longer-term vaccine risks that are very well supported.  These are stern warnings you will have to specifically look up to learn about, because they are all being actively suppressed and heavily censored.  I only mention some of these briefly here because I do feel they are credible claims that should concern anyone that manages to escape a serious anaphylactic event following a course of CV-19 inoculations.  It is the opinion of tenured immunology experts like Dr. Judy Mikovits, that the real impact of these vaccines is something we will see over time, as the result of

an ungoverned proliferation of cells with this modified mRNA. She alleges that in addition to a SARS spike protein, the mRNA replacement chains in CV-19 vaccine formulas also use host cells to manufacture HIVgp120 which results in an irreversible autoimmune condition and bio-synthetic syncytin-1, the result of which is sterility, miscarriages and spontaneous abortions.  Her claims are echoed by other experts, most notably Michael Yeadon, formerly the Chief Science Officer for Pfizer.


If Dr. Mikovits is correct, and I believe she is, these inflammations will become chronic and progressive. Further evidence of this is seen in vaccine recipients that develop illnesses that cause uncontrollable tremors and paralysis. Richet commonly saw this in subjects experiencing third degree anaphylaxis, but when the symtomology of these conditions present much later, months or possibly a year after vaccination, the cause is commonly found to be from chronic inflammations that degenerate the myelin sheaths covering nerve tissues.  Adding to the serious short-term risk of anaphylaxis, this slower moving infestation could mean CV-19 vaccines can potentially deliver a kind of double whammy.


That any of this is actually happening, has yet to be confirmed. However, please take note, as you read them, that reports of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions of fetal tissue, are becoming increasingly common.  As for the rest of it, we may never really know, since these are aftereffects of vaccination that can appear well beyond any observation period being tracked by vaccine manufacturers.  Observations periods, I would argue, that are deliberately established with intervals that are too short to collect data that would include the vaccines themselves as suspects in any such investigation. 


Another danger that can be equally deadly, comes from another form of hypersensitivity that has to do with the method being employed in mRNA vaccines, where the body’s own cells are used to produce biosynthetic spike protein or antigen.  


The claim is that a subsequent exposure to a naturally occurring antigen, that may be found in some future corona virus mutation, will result in an immune system overreaction.  We can rely on such mutations to happen. That is how the virus survives year after year, and why they continue to be an annoyance to susceptible people every flu season. 


The problem arises when these two pathogens meet and the immune system over responds with a cytokine storm.  This effect is being called “Antibody-Induced Enhancement,” and it has been recognized by numerous credible doctors and immunologists including Dr. Sucharet Bhakdi, a retired Thai-German microbiologist; Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, a respected American osteopathic physician; Dolores Cahill, a professor at University College Dublin and a recognized international expert in this field, and Lee Merritt, who has the added distinction of being a virologist who has worked in the field of bio-weaponry. They are in agreement that massive cytokine storms can easily be lethal.  


In the body, the immune systems release of a massive cytokine storm as a response to pathogenic invaders is like putting out a fire with a nuclear bomb, and the result is a wildly excessive version of a common flu illness that typically presents itself as severe respiratory distress.  Examples of this illness are being seen.  Currently they are simply being called COVID-19.  The proper concern here is that in future flu seasons, as more cases of this type are seen, they will be labeled Covid-20, 21, and so on, rather than an event that is specifically the result of an interaction that results when mRNA technology meets nature.


What I believe we are seeing in many ADR reports should probably be considered another form of anaphylaxis.  Modified mRNA are simply alien foreign proteins, therefore injecting modified mRNA into the bloodstream can induce it.  By this simple logic it also follows that using foreign mRNA to create alien foreign proteins can also induce it. The repeating patterns I see in both extreme COVID-19 cases, bear a strong similarity to extreme ADR reports, suggesting that the body’s response to any immune system tampering follows a similar pattern.  Both types of examples appear to be an extension of Charles Richet’s work and it appears that vaccine makers have discovered this and decided to utilize this information to fill their coffers in collaboration with politicians that serve the eugenist proponents, thus they happily pave the way for them.


Unlike severe anaphylactic events, which occur rapidly, some of these other potential outcomes can manifest much later.  It is this ‘arms length’ between vaccine delivery and the onset of illness that is presented by the vaccine manufacturers as proof such incidents are unrelated to their products.  And this has been exactly what they claim whenever it is reported.  Every time a claim has been made that associates their vaccines with an injury, their response has been to conclude that the instance was either a pre-existing condition or something that developed too long after the vaccination procedure to be related.  That is why I believe the attention should be squarely focused on anaphylactic events of every level of severity, because it is a frequent and frequently immediate reaction with a traceable cause that can be confirmed.


Everything brought up by Dr. Mikovits and others are a sidebar.  All their arguments are certainly relevant and represent huge concerns that should be taken seriously.  However, it is my personal opinion that the relationships involved are far more biologically complex and for that reason may be significantly more difficult to prove.  Given the patterns I have seen vaccine makers follow, I do not doubt these relationships exist, but challenging them on such things means playing the game on their home field where their advantage is rather strong.


While forcing the expression of foreign proteins internally certainly makes mRNA technology capable of causing cause all kinds of chronic inflammatory issues, we cannot forget that inducing hypersensitivity by repeatedly injecting any foreign protein into the bloodstream is a far simpler means of achieving the same end.  This is what I see going on right now, and it is what I want you to look for in the reports and personal accounts provided here and elsewhere, because it seems to me that proving this is happening requires only that the offending proteins be isolated and identified.  If they are found in the vaccine products people are being given, it is case closed for vaccine manufacturers, like matching a bullet to a gun barrel.


The truth is, that while the CV-19 vaccines are most certainly going to kill people, the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t need to kill you with anything really.  They can now make you vulnerable to a thing that would normally be harmless, and then let you just wander about until you eventually touch it.  When that eventually happens and people become sick, that creates even more opportunities to sell even more medication products.  Making you ill, followed by offering you cures, especially without any legal liability, is a highly profitable business model.


What the pharmaceutical industry has done here is figured out a way to reduce the population from afar, so they are nowhere in the room when you die, and to evade detection they have front-loaded the crime scene with every possible pseudo-fact to litter it up with reasonable doubt, all of which is scientifically baseless; all of which is promoted as public health policy.  All such rubbish are just childish protocols and other things that make sense to people who have no medical training and thus do not bother to question anything they are told, such as: That event wasn’t caused by the vaccine; it was Covid; it was a pre-existing condition; he was asymptomatic; it was a variant; he spent 10 minutes next to another infected person; it happened too long after; too soon after; it was rare; it was extreme and unusual; it was one in a million; there’s no study data to suggest; blah blah blah.  Always the same weak game of spin the excuse wheel and throw a dart at it.



Richet’s work proved you can die from a fatal allegeric

reaction to any protein

contained in a

CV-19 vaccine when exposed twice.   


To summarize, and to also avoid confusion, Richet’s work proved that you can die from a fatal allergic reaction to anything contained in a CV-19 vaccine.  Explanations given by the other experts I mentioned warn that you may also die, either suddenly or prematurely, from many inflammatory illnesses or even any random exposure to a commonly benign flu bug that you can become exceptionally vulnerable to in the same way you can become hypersensitized to foreign proteins that enter the bloodstream.  


Anaphylaxis is the related consequence of toying with the body’s natural immune system and trying to improve upon what many would call God’s design. Unfortunately, wellmeaning doctors, who fail to understand such risks and

implications, are oftentimes made unwitting accomplices in this genocide.  Because they are conditioned to trust vaccines, doctors will continue to be confounded by simple colds that seem, for some mysterious reason, to escalate out of control and result in death.  


Now that you understand this, it should not surprise anyone that, to brainwashed doctors who refuse to consider the potential dangers inherent in vaccines, especially genetic vaccines, every ADR will appear to be unique.  Every new flu will appear to be a lethal killer bug, and the drug manufacturers, who profit from such assumptions, will be actively encouraging those conclusions. 


If they can just keep it going, these fundamental misunderstandings will perpetuate fear with pandemic after pandemic, and these new corona mutations and other sudden germ panics will take the blame for the real cause of equally sudden waves of high mortality.


Because they forget Richet, whenever it results from repeated exposure to proteins injected via future vaccines, or proteins that comprise new corona mutations which will be in some way integral to the formulations of even non-mRNA CV-19 vaccines, the cause of death, in every case, will be misdiagnosed as either COVID-‘X,’ or any number of other inflammatory diseases when the cause of all such examples, including death, is simply induced anaphylaxis. Exposing induced anaphylaxis is key to stopping this obscene eugenics experiment once and for all.





The Dangers of Tinkering with the Human Genome


Richet summarized the dangers of tinkering with the genetic make up of any organism and spelled out the risks of toying with the human immune system in reckless ways. He said it best, so I will conclude with his words:



“In the first place, anaphylaxis, like immunization, creates  humoral  (



to bodily fluids, especially serum.

) differentiations between different pig that is anaphylactized by horse serum will not be

individuals. A guinea-

identical to untreated guinea-pigs nor to guinea-pigs anaphylactized by ox or dog serum. This means that over and above the due to diverse means of immunization,         there     are       individual        differences        due       to         diverse anaphylactizations. One has only to think of the innumerable quantity of substances that are anaphylactizing and the substances that can immunize, and one will conclude that the chemical or humoral diversity is so to say unlimited with the different individuals.


“To be different from other members of the same species, an animal has only to receive into his blood a small quantity of alien protein which anaphylactizes him in a special way, or for a microbe to evolve in his blood which gives him immunity in a special way. In the course of some years’ life span, the same organism that is unique will accumulate immunities or anaphylaxia that appertain to it, diversely grouped in diverse subjects until each one of these persons will differ from all others.


“Each one of us, by our chemical make-up, above all by our blood and probably also by the protoplasm of each cell, is himself and no one else. In other words, he has a humoral personality. We all know very well what the personality of the psyche is. The multiplicity and the variety of our memories make each one of us different from all other human beings. We all have a body of stored impressions which preclude our being confused with any other specimen of our kind. Nothing could be clearer than this idea of the personality in terms of psyche which stands to reason and is valid in all human conscience.


“Now, in the light of notions of immunity and of anaphylaxis, we can conceive of another personality in juxtaposition to the moral personality and that is the humoral personality, which makes us different from other men by the chemical make-up of our humours.


“This is an entirely new idea. It was thought up to now, perhaps from lack of after-thought, that with individuals of the same age, race and sex, the humors would no doubt be chemically identical. Well, it is not like that at all. Every living being, though presenting the strongest resemblances to others of his species, has his own characteristics so that he is himself and not somebody else. This means that henceforth study of the physiology of the species is no longer enough. Another physiology must be taken up, which is very difficult and barely broached, namely that of the individual.


“It may be asked how anaphylaxis fits in to that general law, which admits of no exceptions, that living organisms exist in an optimum state of protection.


“It does indeed seem absurd that an organic disposition should make beings more fragile, more susceptible to poisons, for in most cases everything in living beings seems disposed to assure them a greater power of resistance.  But some reflection on the final aim of anaphylaxis will give the answer.


“It is in fact important that animal species are  of determined  chemical entity. If, following the hazard of ingestion or injection, alien proteins were found in the cellular juices as part of our humours, then the chemical make-up of beings would be modified and consequently perverted.


“Crystalloids dialyse through membranes and are speedily eliminated. In a few days, even in a few hours, they are completely gone. Colloids however, that no dialysis can eliminate, do not disappear once they have penetrated to the blood. They fix on cellules and end up by being integral to them.


“Grave danger would thus face the animal species, were they not nicely balanced in their hereditary chemical make-up. If heterogeneous substances got fixed into our cellules and definitely intermingled with our humours, that would be the end of the chemical constitution of each animal species, which is the fruit of slow evolution down the generations, and all the progress that has been achieved through selection and heredity would be lost.



There is something more important than the  salvation of the person, and that is the  integral preservation of the race.




“It does not matter much that the individual becomes more vulnerable in this regard. There is something more important than the salvation of the person and that is the integral preservation of the race.


“In other words, to formulate the hypothesis in somewhat abstract terms but clear ones all the same: the life of the individual is less important than the stability of the species.”   (Notice here how the manner in which we are all being trained to think of ‘others’ before ourselves when it comes to wearing masks and getting vaccines is exactly opposite Richet’s conclusions.)


“Anaphylaxis, perhaps a sorry matter for the individual, is necessary to the species, often to the detriment of the individual. The individual may perish, it does not matter. The species must at any time keep its organic integrity intact. Anaphylaxis defends the species against the peril of adulteration.


“We are so constituted that we can never receive other proteins into the blood than those that have been modified by digestive juices. Every time alien protein penetrates by effraction, the organism suffers and becomes resistant. This resistance lies in increased sensitivity, a sort of revolt against the second parenteral injection which would be fatal. At the first injection, the organism was taken by surprise and did not resist. At the second injection, the organism mans its defenses and answers by the anaphylactic shock.”


“Seen in these terms, anaphylaxis is a universal defense mechanism against the penetration of heterogeneous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated.” iii 




“An optimum state of protection.” In other words; no vaccines needed.  


“If heterogeneous substances got fixed into our cellules and definitely intermingled with our humours, that would be the end…” This is what we are being told mRNA vaccines do.


“… the organism mans its defenses and answers by the anaphylactic shock.”  Sorry, Grandma.  It wasn’t me that killed you.




It’s ALL Anaphylaxis!




While it is understood that vaccine recipients include people with all manner of preexisting conditions that impact the severity of an anaphylactic response, none of them should be confused with the onset of any anaphylactic reaction immediately following a CV-19 vaccination procedure.  


“The effects of anaphylaxis in mankind are very well known.”  It is only in the rarest cases that the first injection is productive of immediate reaction. When it comes to the second injection, an immediate reaction follows for 90 percent of the cases.”    – Charles Richet




COVID vaccine adverse reactions do not have multiple causes. 

There is only one reaction.  Just one.  It is all . . .




The personal accounts that follow are grouped by levels of severity, taking into account both Charles Richet’s experimental observations, as well as modern day definitions of anaphylactic severityiv


“Any study of acute allergic reactions is limited by the lack of a diagnostic gold standard or widely accepted definition of anaphylaxis.”

                                                – Simon G. A. Brown, MBBS, FACEM, PhDa,


Simon continued, “When carefully observed,” Brown continued, “virtually all episodes of anaphylaxis appear to have some degree of skin involvement, although this may consist of only mild erythema and can be easily missed or go undocumented as is likely to have been the case in this study. With this in mind, the following clinical definition of anaphylaxis is proposed: Multiple-organ hypersensitivity characterized by the presence of significant gastrointestinal, respiratory, or cardiovascular involvement (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, throat or chest tightness, breathlessness, wheeze, stridor, hypotension, hypoxia, confusion, collapse, loss of consciousness, or incontinence) in addition to skin features (erythema, urticaria, or angioedema). Skin features may be transient, subtle, and therefore easily missed, in which case anaphylaxis may still be diagnosed if there is an otherwise typical presentation, especially where this follows exposure to a known precipitant.”   In the case of CV-19 vaccinations the precipitant is known.  It is the vaccine itself!”


I have also included groupings that bring up additional reasons for concern as CV-19 vaccines continue to roll out, such as:

  • Pregnancy-, Fertility, Menstrual and Breast Feeding-related ADR.
  • Compromised healthcare worker errors.
  • Extreme ADR reported in VAERS, the medical database maintained by CDC to track CV-19 vaccine adverse reactions.
  • Deceptive reporting practices and industry pressure to NOT report ADR.


TOTAL CV-19 Vaccine ADR:


The February 18, 2021 release of VAERS data 3 found 19,724 cases of CV-19 Vaccine ADR.  























Personal Accounts and VAERS Reports


VAERS is the medical database maintained by Centers for Disease Control  and Prevention (CDC) to track CV-19 vaccine adverse reactions.







First Degree Anaphylaxis




Existing grading systems for acute systemic hypersensitivity reactions vary considerably, have a number of deficiencies, and lack a consistent definition of anaphylaxis.  Some common definitions provided below:


As defined by Charles Richet:  


“In the lightest form, the main symptom is itching.  May also include Pangs of pain, itching, and in the worst cases demi-syncope, with nausea, vomiting, hyperthermia, edema over the whole skin area and general urticaria.”  


Modern-day definition by Simon G. A. Brown:v 


“Reactions limited to the skin, i.e., urticaria, erythema and angioedema, defined as mild.”


Angioedema is a swelling that occurs when fluids leave the blood vessels and enter the tissues. While angioedema can occur in any “loose” tissue in the body, but the term is usually used to describe a swelling of the face, lips, mouth, and the internal structures of the throat.


Erythema is redness of the skin or mucous membranes, caused by hyperemia in superficial capillaries.


Generally Accepted Definition based upon presentation of symptoms:


Includes all varieties of dermatitis, injection site inflammations, urticaria, hives, nettle rash which is (characterized by transient eruption of red pimples or plaques (wheals) accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation with itching), Erythema (inflamed blood vessels of capillaries), swellings in the skin.


All symptoms can be searched in public databases that record vaccine ADR. I strongly recommend that everyone considering the vaccine, review the data contained in these databases.


What follows are first-hand accounts of the reactions experienced by those who took the vaccine, or witnessed the effects of the vaccine in family members or friends. Included are photos, personal accounts, social media posts, and other publicly posted descriptions, as well as information culled from the VAERS database, the official database of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). 

I apologize for the poor quality of some of the images that did not reproduce more clearly. 




“Morbilliform Rash” 

Case Descriptions Below From VAERS Database


BLISTERS – From the 2/18/2021 release of VAERS data:

Found: 22 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) Manufacturer:  PFIZER/BIONTECH; Symptom: Blister



Swollen lymph nodes with lesions and blisters


Blisters around hips, thighs, and elbows.


Exactly a week later, developed blisters (almost like


herpes like) on the R side of my nose and on the inside of


my nose. I never had blisters in my life, or herpes like


blisters on my face. Now on 1/5/21, the blisters are


starting to dry, but are still there.


8 Days after vaccination: Painful fluid filled bumps in a


linear formation discovered this morning 


experienced body rash and little blister sores on her


body and both arms, swelling of eyes and rash beneath


eyes. The events resulted in doctor or other healthcare


professional office/clinic visit.


3 hours after patient received vaccine on 12/27/2020 @


2pm she started to feel flushed in the face and hands.


She also started to get blisters on both hands.


Presented from clinic with 3-4 days of extensive rash.


There were multiple areas of skin sloughing on bilateral


upper extremities and abdominal wall.


Days after vaccination: 3. Started out as possible 


eczema, blisters throughout groin and perineal area,


nodes in groin were very swollen and tender, also had


flu-like symptoms. Patient was seen in the Emergency


Department and treated. 




Very pruritic maculopapular -purple and red rash 


diffusely throughout body and extremities and neck.


Sores in the mouth and blisters forming on palms of


hands and soles of feet with some pain, ureteral 


meatus erythema and anal erythema. pain with 




2 hrs after 2nd injection, felt like I was burning from


inside out; skin red; flushed; rash; scratch throat; body


aches; dizziness; headache; lymph nodes tender; eye


swelling; blurred vision; blisters on the trunk of my body


as well as lips and gums;  tooth pain; jaw pain; I also had


leg and bilateral foot pain x 4 days; all my mucous 


membranes were red, irritated and blistered; 


Days after vaccination:  11.  Diagnostic Lab Data:

Surgical Pathology reports: FINAL DIAGNOSIS: SKIN,



Comment: The clinical concern for toxic epidermal necrolysis is noted, and the histologic findings support this impression. Extensive subepidermal bullous formation with associated mixed inflammatory infiltrate composed of neutrophils, eosinophils, and lymphocytes is noted in the larger of the two skin fragments, while the smaller fragment shows diffuse epidermal necrosis.


Bilateral ears because hot, red, swollen, blistered, and


painful approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes after 


vaccine was administered.


The night of the 18th my right eye was bothering me so I


was itching it in my sleep, when I woke up on the 19th


my eye was red and I thought I had injured it in the night


and it bothered me all day but I didn’t get it checked, I


went to urgent care the 20th because I noticed there 


were vesicles on my right eye.

Write-up:       Surface blisters, blistering rash all over; Hives; Itchy                   tongue; Headache; A 44-year-old female patient                 received the first dose of BNT162B2 a single dose for                COVID-19 immunization.  After receiving the vaccine,                patient had hives and an itchy tongue . Patient received                some Benadryl at site. She spoke for about two hours                and it seemed to ease a little bit. Patient came home and                slept a quite a bit. As soon as she woke up, patient had                the itchy tongue and hives again, so she took another                the Benadryl. She woke up and then had a blistering              rash all over. But the blisters were like deep blisters              all over her body.


VAERS ID: 1028885

Write-up: Patient (now deceased) received 1st dose of Pfizer-

BioNTech vaccine around December 21, 2020 and was noticed to be scratching, fatigued, and unresponsive by a family member on

December 24, 2020. He received the second dose of the same vaccine around January 22, 2021. Pockmarks and bleeding scratch marks were noted by a family member on the patient’s face prior to this

second dose. On January 28, 2021 a family member was alerted that the

patient was suffering from severe bullous pemphigoid– a skin condition

that has never been experienced by the patient, has been reported to be related to COVID-19 viral infection, and to T-cell responses

promoted by vaccines. A corticosteroid was given, but did not work.

Blisters developed to the point hands had to be dressed.








Second Degree Anaphylaxis




Existing grading systems for acute systemic hypersensitivity reactions vary considerably, have a number of deficiencies, and lack a consistent definition of anaphylaxis.  Some common definitions provided below:


As defined by Charles Richet:  


“The next stage in anaphylactic intensity is characterized by itching again, but this time more violent. This is followed, almost immediately, by various symptoms: more rapid breathing, lowered blood pressure, faster heartbeat, vomiting, blood diarrhea and rectal tenesmus” (cramping rectal pain).


Modern-day definition by Simon G. A. Brown:  


“Diaphoresis, vomiting, presyncope, dyspnea, stridor, wheeze, chest/throat tightness, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain had weaker, albeit significant, associations and were used to define moderate reactions.” 


Diaphoresis is perspiration.

Presyncope is a state of lightheadedness, muscular weakness, blurred vision, or feeling faint.

Stridor is airway obstruction.


Generally Accepted Definition based upon presentation of symptoms:


More rapid breathing, lowered blood pressure, faster heartbeat, vomiting, blood diarrhea and cramping.   



All symptoms can be searched in public databases that record vaccine ADR. I strongly recommend that everyone considering the vaccine, review the data contained in these databases.



Case Descriptions Below From VAERS Database





VAERS ID:1000654

Age: 58.0  Sex: Female   Days after vaccination:  9

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, Body temperature increased, Chills, Faeces discolored, Fatigue, Haematochezia, Headache, Mucous stools, Rectal tenesmus

Write-up: white mucous stools with blood; abdominal pain; tenesmus; white mucous stools with blood; fatigue; chills; headache. a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 in triggering the onset of blood stool cannot be excluded.


VAERS ID:  1000654

Age: 58.0  Sex: Female    Days after vaccination:  9

Symptoms: Abdominal pain, Body temperature increased, Chills, Faeces discolored, Fatigue, Haematochezia, Headache, Mucous stools, Rectal tenesmus

Write-up: white mucous stools with blood; abdominal pain; tenesmus; white mucous stools with blood; fatigue; chills; headache. a possible contributory role of the suspect BNT162B2 in triggering the onset of blood stool cannot be excluded.


BLOOD DISCHARGE – From the 2/18/2021 release of VAERS data:


Found 11 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Manufacturer is PFIZER/BIONTECH and Symptom is Blood urine present or Bloody airway discharge or Bloody discharge.

Third Degree Anaphylaxis




Existing grading systems for acute systemic hypersensitivity reactions vary considerably, have a number of deficiencies, and lack a consistent definition of anaphylaxis.  Some common definitions provided below:


As defined by Charles Richet:  


“Depression of the nervous system is such that the itching has gone or almost gone. The subject has no strength to vomit, diarrhea, blood in the stool, often almost wholly blood. heavy menstrual flows, nervous symptoms often develop so suddenly and violently that there is no time for colic and diarrhea. Ataxia follows at once.  Feelings of drunken intoxication, dilated pupils, the subject may fall to the ground, unconsciousness, or unresponsiveness. Labored or agonized breathing, faint heartbeat, rapid and acute loss of blood pressure. violent convulsions and paralysis.  Possible death immediately following.”  


Ataxia describes a lack of muscle control or coordination of voluntary movements, such as walking or picking up objects, uncontrollable tremors, facial tics, difficulties with speech, eye movement and swallowing.


Modern day definition by Simon G. A. Brown:  


“Severe (hypoxia, hypotension, or neurologic compromise) Confusion, collapse, unconsciousness, and incontinence were strongly associated with hypotension and hypoxia and were used to define severe reactions.”


Hypotension is low blood pressure. 

Hypoxia is oxygen deprivation.


Generally Accepted Definition based upon presentation of symptoms:


All of the above including Guillain–Barré syndrome and Bells Palsy


All symptoms can be searched in public databases that record vaccine ADR. I strongly recommend that everyone considering the vaccine, review the data contained in these databases.








Case Description Below From VAERS Database


Fourth Degree Anaphylaxis




Existing grading systems for acute systemic hypersensitivity reactions vary considerably, have a number of deficiencies, and lack a consistent definition of anaphylaxis.  Some common definitions provided below:


As defined by Charles Richet:  


“Death occurs within hours of administering the vaccine.  Sometimes however a subject may briefly recover.”   


Modern-day definition by Simon G. A. Brown:  


Not defined.


Generally Accepted Definition based upon presentation of symptoms:


Not defined.



All symptoms can be searched in public databases that record vaccine ADR. I strongly recommend that everyone considering the vaccine, review the data contained in these databases.


Examples in this section are taken from online social media posts.






Death on First Exposure









Additional Evidence and Special Concerns

Vaccine Impact on Fertility








Vaccine Impact on Menstruation 




Lost Pregnancy, Spontaneous Abortion





Case Descriptions Below From VAERS Database

As of 2/12/2021 VAERS data search included 34 cases where Vaccine

is COVID19 and Symptom is LOST PREGNANCY

Found 34 cases where Vaccine is COVID19 and Symptom is Aborted pregnancy or Abortion or Abortion spontaneous or Abortion spontaneous complete or Abortion spontaneous incomplete or

Abortion threatened or Foetal-maternal haemorrhage or Foetal cardiac disorder or Foetal damage or Foetal death or Foetal disorder or Foetal distress syndrome or Foetal heart rate abnormal or Foetal heart rate deceleration or Foetal heart rate deceleration abnormality or Foetal heart rate decreased or Foetal heart rate disorder or Foetal heart rate increased or Foetal hypokinesia or Foetal malformation or Foetal malpresentation or Foetal monitoring abnormal or Foetal movement disorder or Foetal movements decreased or Foetal non-stress test abnormal or Placental disorder or Pregnancy induced hypertension or Premature baby or Premature baby death or Premature delivery or Premature labour or Premature rupture of membranes or Premature separation of placenta or Stillbirth or Ultrasound foetal abnormal

VAERS ID:  932107 

Age:   37.0  Sex: Female  Location: New York  Vaccinated:  2021-01-06

Onset: 2021-01-08         Days after vaccination:  2            


SMQs:, Dystonia (broad), Pregnancy, labor and delivery complications and risk factors

(excl abortions and stillbirth) (narrow), Termination of pregnancy and risk of abortion (narrow) Birth Defect? Yes

Write-up: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Miscarriage – (date of vaccination 1/6/21, miscarriage symptoms  (cramping) started 1/8/21, confirmed 1/10/21; estimated date of delivery 8/30/21 


VAERS ID:  1028819    

Age: 39.0  Sex: Female   Location: Missouri   Vaccinated:  2020-12-18

Onset: 2021-02-03       Days after vaccination:  47 


Birth Defect? Yes

Diagnostic Lab Data: 2/3 – ultrasound showed no heartbeat 2/5 – beta hcg quant – 41,xxx 2/7 – beta hcg quant – 40,xxx 2/11 – 2nd confirmation ultrasound. 2/11 – beta hcg quant – 35,xxx

Write-up: First trimester miscarriage after receiving both vaccine doses while pregnant. Due date 9/17/2021



VAERS ID:  1025363

Age: 40.0  Sex: Female   Location: Ohio   Vaccinated:  2021-02-05

Onset: 2021-02-06        Days after vaccination:  1             


SMQs:, Anaphylactic reaction (broad)

Symptoms: Abortion spontaneous, Foetal heart rate abnormal, Headache, Nausea,

Pyrexia, Rash, Rash erythematous, Ultrasound uterus abnormal, Vomiting

Diagnostic Lab Data: Pregnancy was on 2/11, Second vaccine dose was on 2/5 Write-up: About 12 hours after the vaccine I developed headache, fever 100.5, nausea and vomiting, and red rash across my chest up to my neck and under both breasts. All symptoms but the rash improved the following day. I went to have my 8 week pregnancy US 6 days after this second vaccine dose and there was no fetal heart rate. The baby measured 8.7mm and there should be a heart rate when the baby measures $g7mm. I had all of my pregnancy symptoms up through the day of the vaccine and then they disappeared the day my vaccine symptoms improved. I do not have a history of miscarriage.


VAERS ID:  1033516 

Age: 32.0  Sex: Female   Location: Minnesota    Vaccinated: 2021-01-29

Onset: 2021-02-15        Days after vaccination:  17           


Symptoms: Abortion spontaneous, Exposure during pregnancy, Headache, Pain in extremity, Sleep disorder, Ultrasound abdomen abnormal, Ultrasound scan vagina abnormal

Birth Defect? Yes

Preexisting Conditions: No chronic health issues, otherwise very healthy.

Diagnostic Lab Data: On 2/16/21 I had an abdominal and vaginal ultrasounds, which confirmed absence of fetus in the uterus. Eptopic pregnancy was ruled out. MD was consulted on the same day regarding miscarriage.

Write-up: At the time of administration of the first does of Moderna vaccine, I was 6 weeks pregnant. I had confirmed pregnancy with home positive test and missed period. I had an estimated due date of 9/24/2021. This was my 4th pregnancy. I have had two uncomplicated pregnancies to term. In September 2020 experienced a chemical pregnancy with early pregnancy loss at 5 weeks. After 24 hours I felt “normal”. 2 weeks and 3 days following the first dose of Moderna, I had a miscarriage. On the night of 2/15/21 I lost the pregnancy with vaginal bleeding, bright red blood, passing tissue, clots/ sac. I had an uneventful pregnancy up to that point, feeling well as I had with prior pregnancies.



VAERS ID:  990450 

Age: 33.0  Sex: Female   Location: Indiana            Vaccinated:   2021-01-11

Onset: 2021-01-16        Days after vaccination:  5           


Symptoms: Abortion spontaneous, Congenital anomaly, Exposure during pregnancy,

SARS-CoV-2 test negative

Write-up: Miscarriage after 2nd vaccine; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable nurse reported for herself. This 33-year-old female patient The patient  had no known allergies. The patient had no other vaccine in four weeks, no other medications in two weeks. The patient was pregnant. Last menstrual date was 14Dec2020. Delivery due date was 16Sep2021. Gestation period was 3 weeks. The  patient experienced miscarriage on 16 Jan2021 after 2nd vaccine. AE resulted in congenital anomaly or birth defect. The patient had COVID tested/nasal swab post vaccination with negative results 

Sender”s Comments: Based on the available information, a causal relationship between event miscarriage after the second COVID-19 vaccination and


(PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE) cannot be completely excluded. 


VAERS ID:  995949 

Age: 39.0  Sex: Female   Location: Wisconsin         Vaccinated:

Onset: 2021-02-01          Days after vaccination:  10         


Birth Defect? Yes

Symptoms: Abortion spontaneous

Write-up: Miscarriage reported




VAERS ID:  1006169 

Age: 43.0  Sex:  Female   Location:  Massachusetts   Vaccinated:  2021-01-14  

Onset: 2021-01-18        Days after vaccination:  4             


Write-up: I was approximately 4 weeks pregnant at the time that I received dose #1

(12/23/20)- I was unaware of the pregnancy. I was diagnosed with COVID on 12/28/20, but was first symptomatic on 12/24. I attributed my s/s initially to the vaccine. I was eventually tested on 12/28/20, as my symptoms worsened and I was positive for COVID. On 1/14/21 I received my second dose, my COVID s/s had been resolved since 1/4/21. On the evening of 1/18/21 I started experiencing mild abdominal pain. This progressed, on the evening 1/20 the pain was no longer tolerable. I went to the ER where I hemorrhaged and needed emergency surgery and a blood transfusion for a miscarriage. The surgery ultimately took place in the early morning hours of 1/22/21, followed by the blood transfusion.


VAERS ID:  1023866

Age: 28.0  Sex: Female   Location: North Carolina   Vaccinated:  2021-01-15

Onset: 2021-02-11        Days after vaccination:  27                       


Symptoms: Abortion spontaneous, Exposure during pregnancy, Full blood count,

Gynaecological examination abnormal, Human chorionic gonadotropin decreased, Vaginal haemorrhage

Write-up: Miscarriage at 6 weeks 1 day. Vaginal bleeding and decline in HCG hormone. Pregnancy not viable.


VAERS ID:  1028368 

Age: 32.0  Sex: Female   Location: California       Vaccinated: 2021-01-27

Onset: 2021-02-05        Days after vaccination:  9 

Symptoms: Abortion spontaneous, Exposure during pregnancy

Write-up: Miscarriage in first trimester. First dose received 12/22/2020 Conception date 01/03/2021 Second dose 01/27/2021 Miscarriage started 02/03/2021 First pregnancy. No other medical problems or pregnancy risks.




Breast Feeding Risks After Vaccination



Case Descriptions Below From VAERS Database



VAERS ID:  931851

Maternal exposure during breast feeding

Write-up: I am currently breastfeeding my 5-month-old son. I received my first vaccine on 12/28/2020 and directly breastfed within 4 hours of receiving the vaccine. Two days after my vaccine my son was at daycare and had two large diarrhea blowouts and two large emeses followed by a 1-minute episode where he was limp with entire body cyanosis and in-and-out of consciousness. He also had a maculopapular rash on his torso. EMS was called.


VAERS ID:  917888 

Maternal exposure during breast feeding

Write-up: I am breastfeeding my 15 month old son and he got a rash on his abdomen and face that has progressed more over past several days. He has had no fever but acts like he doesn’t feel great as he was not eating like his normal self. I don’t know if the rash is related or not but it is during the time of the vaccine.


VAERS ID:  930348

Maternal exposure during breast feeding

Write-up: I am breastfeeding. My daughter had seizure like episodes starting on Saturday 1/2, Sunday 1/3, Monday, 1/4 and 2 times on Tuesday 1/5.



VAERS ID:  905801

Maternal exposure during breast feeding

Write-up: I am breastfeeding my 20 month old and she developed a rash on trunk. Maculopapular.


VAERS ID:  903355

Maternal exposure during breast feeding

Write-up: Breastfeeding toddler developed rash to torso, back, and cheek








Healthcare Worker Comments, Observations, Occupational Pressures














Detailed Personal Accounts  







BLINDNESS – From the 2/18/2021 release of VAERS data:

Found 9 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and

Manufacturer is PFIZER/BIONTECH and Symptom is Blindness


Case Description Below From VAERS Database


Write-up: central retinal vein occlusion resulting in loss of sight to right eye I was on computer and had bright flashes of lights the lost vision in the eye about 2 1/2 hours after receiving vaccine. CRVO is rare in my age with no health problems. Saw ER doctor that night then ophthalmologist the next morning who diagnosed me. I am currently prescribed a baby aspirin and will have to get injections in my eye when macular edema occurs, an expected occurrence with a blood clot in the retinal vein













Additional Information on Adverse Events






Compromised Healthcare Workers And ‘Vaccine Sickness’



There is another very serious situation right now that hardly anyone is talking about and that is physically compromised healthcare workers.  


Because many of them are being pressured into getting covid vaccinations to continue in their positions, doctors, nurses, and other care providers, many such workers may be attempting to do their jobs while experiencing first, second, and even third-degree anaphylactic reactions and covering those effects up or ignoring them in order to continue.  


Such workers are worse than drunk drivers on the road.  Any of them can make a potentially lethal error in the performance of their duties and this possibility cannot be ignored.  Of paramount concern here are instances of what they are describing as “Brain Fog“.  


Difficulty with memory and attention are serious disabilities that will most certainly compromise their ability to administer medications and conduct many common medical procedures with a proper degree of competence.  Now that you have read some of the VAERS reports and first-hand complaints made by CV-19 vaccine recipients you have to wonder just how good some healthcare workers are going to be performing their duties. 


Healthcare workers attempting to work in a daze will undoubtedly be subject to a mental condition that will be the cause of all kinds of serious errors in patient care and if one of them is treating you, you may never know if your provider should be in a hospital bed themselves, because they probably wont tell anyone, either because their employers are demanding that they cover shifts, or simply because they need their paychecks.


Personal comments posted on social media by some such workers follow.  Given what they describe, the extent of the problem and what other examples of procedural lapses exist are things we can only guess at.  Clearly even simple procedures like administering CV-19 vaccines are multiplying.  VAERS is rife with examples of incorrect dosage examples as you will see.  


After reading several accounts thus far in my research for this book, of previously vaccinated surgeons collapsing in an operating theater in the middle of a procedure, such possibilities are far from reassuring.





From the 2/18/2021 release of VAERS data:

Found 31 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Manufacturer is PFIZER/BIONTECH and Symptom is Incorrect dosage administered or Incorrect dose administered or Incorrect drug administration duration or Incorrect drug dosage form administered or Incorrect product storage or Incorrect route of product administration or Incorrect storage of drug or Product preparation error or Product preparation issue


Serious Vaccine Administration Errors



Case Descriptions Below From VAERS Database


VAERS ID:     913893

Incorrect dose administered

Write-up: Nurse did not add normal saline diluent to vial; drew up and administered concentrated vaccine of 0.3ml the equivalent of 5 concentrated doses/ it sounds like I got 30 times the regular dose.   


VAERS ID:     994023

Product preparation error

Write-up: Patient received immunization from vial containing diluents in the amount of 1.0 rather than 1.8 ml 0.9% sodium chloride, so dose was concentrated.


VAERS ID:     906117 

Symptoms: Headache, Incorrect dose administered, Pain, Product preparation issue

Write-up: the patient received five times the recommended dosage; the patient received the unreconstituted dosage; body aches; headaches;


VAERS ID:     906009

Incorrect dose administered

Write-up: Full vial of 0.3ml concentrated vaccine administered undiluted with normal saline.


VAERS ID:     903194

Product preparation issue

Write-up: Patient may have received undiluted Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine 0.3 ml= ~120 mcg


VAERS ID:     914325

Product preparation error

Write-up: The patient was accidentally given an “undiluted” dose of COVID vaccine.



VAERS ID:     908858

Product preparation error

Write-up: On administering Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine 12/15/20 at 9:15 PM to recipient staff member, vaccinator did not dilute vial and administered undiluted vaccine, resulting in an estimated 5 -fold increase over the intended dose and at an increased concentration.


VAERS ID:     903888 

Product dispensing error, Product preparation issue

Write-up: Pfizer-Biotech covid-19 vaccine eua, pt denies any sign or symptoms of side effects or adverse events at this time. Pt was administered dosage the was reconstituted with 0.8ml instead of 1.8ml. Was not until 4th dose for 4th pt was drawn up was it realized there was not enough to complete 6 injections from multi dose vial. 



VAERS ID:  1038234

Age: 84.0  Sex: Female  Location: Massachusetts  Vaccinated: 2021-01-14

Vaccination / Manufacturer        Lot / Dose          Site / Route


Administered by: Senior Living      

Symptoms: Condition aggravated, Death, Dementia, Mental impairment, Pyrexia,

Urinary tract infection, Wrong product administered

SMQs: Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (broad), Anticholinergic syndrome (broad), Dementia (narrow), Noninfectious encephalitis (broad), Noninfectious encephalopathy/delirium (broad), Noninfectious meningitis (broad), Medication errors 

(narrow), Drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms syndrome (broad)

Write-up: First dose Pfizer given at assisted living on 1/14/21 she was subsequently admitted to hospital and got her second dose but Moderna was given instead of Pfizer on 2/8/21. She had been improving but in the days following the Moderna vaccine she developed fever and then her mental status declined. She was discharged back to assisted living. Suspected UTI, and moderate dementia, placed on hospice (2/12/21). Died on 2/13/21.








  • From Nobel Lectures, Physiology or Medicine 1901-1921, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1967.


  Excerpts taken from Clinical Features and Severity Grading of    Anaphylaxis    published by Simon G. A. Brown, MBBS, FACEM, PhDa Hobart, Tasmania, Australia



Additional Reading



FDA Portal for VAERS Research Data (Vaccine Adverse Reactions Database) https://medalerts.org/vaersdb


Author’s Blog



Uncensored Information Platforms www.bitchute.com



The Flexner Report – 1910 https://archive.org/details/carnegieflexnerreport  


How the Flexner Report hijacked natural medicine https://www.cancertutor.com/flexnerreport/