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Saunas are a popular spa and health club therapy, people commonly make use of them for relaxation purposes but also for the numerous beneficial health effects. They are widely used around the world, however, they are not by any means a new modern-day innovation, in fact, they have been around for a thousand years or more, used by various cultures for their numerous health benefits.

The Mayans used hot houses, Native Americans used sweat lodges, and Russians used bathhouses. Finland a country renowned for its sauna culture boasts over 3 million saunas for some 5.5 million people! Do not be misled by thinking that because they were used since ancient times that saunas are in any way an outdated therapy; in fact, with the recent invention of near infrared technology, saunas can take the healing and therapeutic process to a whole new level of enhancement.


Near infrared saunas are unique in that they do not require high temperatures to induce excessive sweating. Near infrared saunas employ incandescent reddish heat lamps that penetrate the skin and heat it from the inside as well as the surface.

As a result, the air temperature in a near infrared sauna can be kept much lower while still sweating out all the toxins. Those who have difficulty tolerating the heat or are ill can stay in the sauna for much longer periods of time, increasing the benefits.

Because it is made with red lamps, the near infrared sauna is also known as a lamp sauna.


When it comes to EMF emissions, to which sensitivity is becoming an increasing problem for many people these days, near infrared saunas are much safer than far infrared saunas. Although some higher-quality newer far-infrared models have lower EMF levels, the simple Near infrared Lamp Sauna has significantly lower EMF levels.

Near infrared saunas can penetrate the skin’s surface more deeply than far infrared or traditional hot saunas and thus provide many more benefits. The old hot sauna aids sweating but does not penetrate the skin. Far infrared saunas can penetrate 1 to 1.5 inches, while near infrared saunas can penetrate 3 to 4 inches. The greater the penetration, the greater the potential detox.


The benefits of near infrared saunas are far-reaching and a great way to promote healing from the inside out. They are powerful, cost-effective, and safe.


Near infrared saunas promote good sweating, which means you sweat out the toxic chemicals and heavy metals you are exposed to on a daily basis. This reduces the strain on your kidneys and liver, which frequently bear the brunt of the burden of detoxifying your entire body.

Heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel, and arsenic accumulate in our bodies, causing a variety of ailments, illnesses, and diseases like cancer. Because these metals are present in our air, food, and water, exposure to them is unavoidable. Fortunately, by using a near infrared sauna on a regular basis, you can eliminate the accumulation of these toxins and heavy metals.


Near infrared light penetrates deep into your body, assisting in the circulation of blood to the surface and the removal of harmful hormones, toxins, and heavy metals from your kidneys, liver, and other internal organs. This also helps your joints, sinuses, and other tissues.


Get the benefits of improved circulation and tissue oxidation without the high energy expenditure of exercise. Near-infrared saunas increase circulation, lowering blood pressure and improving cardiovascular health. Another benefit for heart health is that near infrared saunas have been shown to release nitric oxide, which aids in blood vessel relaxation.


The power of near infrared saunas works in four ways to improve the functioning of your immune system: it improves lymphatic flow, circulation, mitochondrial function, and finally, it raises body temperature, stimulating the production of white blood cells. All of these factors work together to boost immune response and eliminate harmful pathogens and toxins.


Saunas are a popular spa attraction due to the rejuvenating effects they can have on your largest organ, the skin. Near-infrared saunas induce sweating, which aids in the release and elimination of toxins found deep beneath the skin’s surface.

Not only does near infrared light promote deep detoxification, but it also promotes elastin and collagen production in the skin. This aids in the repair of damaged skin and provides a more youthful appearance by plumping up tired skin. Light therapy is a popular treatment for psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, acne scars, and other skin conditions.


Near infrared saunas can provide significant relief if you suffer from arthritis or muscle and joint pain. Near infrared lamps’ light penetrates the joints from all angles, reducing inflammation.

This light therapy, combined with the increased body temperature promoted by the sauna, is especially beneficial to those suffering from painful joint inflammation. People who have used this therapy have reported pain relief and increased range of motion.


Near infrared sauna light therapy speeds up the healing of damaged tissue and wounds. Near infrared light has been shown in studies to increase cell growth by up to 171 percent while also significantly reducing wound size. Near infrared light has also been shown to aid in the healing of eye injuries.


The increased body temperature experienced in a near infrared sauna may have the potential to inhibit tumor growth. Because cancer cells and tumors react poorly to heat, it may be an additional method of cancer treatment.


Near infrared saunas can raise your body temperature by two or three degrees, assisting your body in killing infections, fungi, and bacteria. People with low body temperatures frequently have difficulty fighting viruses and illnesses, and as a result, they suffer from sinus, eye, ear, bladder, throat, and intestine problems. You can also fight parasite and yeast overgrowth by raising your body temperature.


Near-infrared saunas promote rest and relaxation by inhibiting sympathetic nervous system activity and activating parasympathetic nervous system activity. The use of this therapy on a regular basis lowers blood pressure, improves oxygenation, and provides an overall sense of well-being. You will feel calm and relaxed after leaving the near infrared sauna, and you will get a better night’s sleep. You will benefit your overall health and have a better chance of fighting off illness and infection if you reduce your stress levels.


Before beginning near infrared sauna therapy or any other therapy, always consult with a doctor.

Near infrared lamps should be avoided by pregnant women and children under the age of five.

Unless you have permission from your doctor, never spend more than 20 minutes in an infrared sauna. This is because spending too much time in a near infrared sauna can change your body chemistry, throwing your body out of balance.

Start with one session per day and work your way up to twice a day to acclimate your body to near infrared saunas. Those who are unable to exercise should begin with one session per week.

If you have a medical condition, you should seek medical attention.

It is also recommended that you have an attendant with you if you are removing drugs from your tissue storage because the detoxification process can cause flashbacks.

Before using a sauna, do not exercise or take a high dose of niacin.

Before entering the sauna, drink plenty of water.

While in the sauna, use a towel to wipe away sweat every couple of minutes.

If you feel faint, leave the sauna immediately because you may be suffering from heat stroke. A heat stroke is characterized by a cessation of sweating, a red face, and a rapid heartbeat.

After a sauna session, relax and avoid physical activity. It is recommended that you take a 10- to 15-minute break to allow your body to relax.

Some people have healing reactions to saunas the first few times they use them. This is caused by toxins leaving your body as you heal. People may experience mild rashes, odors, and tastes in their mouth as temporary symptoms. Some people experience fatigue, changes in bowel movements, headaches, and aches and pains. These are only temporary symptoms.

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