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As is the case with any historical or present day virus one could care to name, Covid-19 was a complete fabrication based not on science but on a global, cult-like belief. Unfortunately in these times, with the ‘cradle to grave’ indoctrination experienced by mankind and the carefully engineered scientific ‘truths’ it is spoon fed, the fact that the Covid-19 ‘virus’ is a demonstrable and abominable lie, is one that is sadly lost on the vast majority of this planet’s population. There is other information on this website explaining this in more detail. However, the information in this article is provided for those who have been maliciously deceived and want to find answers and information that they may be able to use to help themselves if they so choose. The following article is just opinion and not advice.   

In the most tyrannical of times, good people rise to the occasion and John E. Lukach is in my mind one of these truly good people. He is taking a stand for what is right, investing his time and energy into helping people recover from these dangerous and often times lethal covid injections.   

This website (beyondoptimalhealth.com) is mainly dedicated to an advanced healing method. It is a method which helps heal most conditions regardless of the complex name they may go by and eventually goes way beyond healing, unlocking a genetic potential which is very rarely achieved otherwise. It is, I believe, the best overall health system to also rebuild strength and vitality after the body has been compromised by the toxic injections. So, if you are into advanced health of the real and effective type and not the poisonous and sadly corrupted mainstream medicine offered to (and these days increasingly imposed upon) the populace, please check out this website in more detail to start a program.

It is important to note that although the mainstream medical system is built on a foundation of fraud and deception and kept alive by a paradigm of perpetual sickness and lies, this does not by any means signify that all doctors are inherently evil people, as many are themselves feeling disillusioned and frightened by the realizations that are now dawning on them about their industry. Many have spoken out, faced ostracization, had their reputations destroyed and lost their careers over the course of these last three years. However, at this point it must be concluded, that those who continue pushing the injections and happily picking up their lucrative bonuses and kickbacks are guilty of the worst types of crimes and if I were to make a guess, I would think that the scandalous blanket immunity they have been able to hide their greed and complacency behind for so long, will come to an end, with the eventual outcome of their actions most likely not being a good one! They have most definitely seen what is going on and have nonetheless chosen to side with an unspeakable evil. It will not be a happy ending.

The aim of this article, however, is not to dwell on this but to help show people some information on how to theoretically reverse the ticking time bomb known as the (so called) Covid 19 ‘vaccine’ in a more immediate manner.  Sadly, this crime against humanity has already killed many innocent people who just wanted to do what they mistakenly thought was the right thing for themselves and others but for the remaining millions (billions) of people there is hopefully still time to right the ship. As John E. Lukach so empathically words it in the prologue to his books:

‘This book is dedicated to all the victims of this massive deception —those who died too soon, too suddenly, too senselessly, whether young or old, not because they sought to do harm, but because they strived to do good — for themselves, for their families and their friends, and even for those they did not know — all to serve an evil purpose. And to all who loved them and mourn their loss. May that loss enlighten others to the truth behind the lies and save them from a similar fate.’  

I have read many sources written by different people, offering their ideas and various protocols that can be used to potentially reverse the damage and life-threatening effects of these dangerous injections. However, none of these come anywhere near the amazing effort made to produce the information and protocols offered by J.E. Lukach in the following book titled ‘What Now’. He also goes into the virology deception which I have previously, briefly written about in this article about Ivermectin: https://www.beyondoptimalhealth.com/my-own-personal-opinions-on-ivermectin-for-the-so-called-covid19-virus/

It is still somewhat of a guessing game as to what will truly work to negate the injections but J. E. Lukach’s information is the most comprehensive and, in my opinion, the best information, we have available so far. In his books, he covers so many topics related to the topic and produces in depth arguments. These arguments make the information highly compelling and very difficult to dispute, even for people who are most firmly rooted in cognitive dissonance and normalcy bias. This is most important, as the problem in awaking said people to the terrible events occurring in our world, does not come down to a lack of evidence (the evidence is staggering) but rather to a serious difficulty in communicating the reality of these events to the unaware masses. I feel that J. E. Lukach does an outstanding job at overcoming this fundamental hurdle.

Please share this article which includes the J.E. Lukach free PDF eBook links far and wide and may it help many in recovering their most treasured asset which has in many instances, so callously been robbed from them: their health.


Download: What Now – Recovering From A Tragic Mistake-Second Edition

Download: Covid-19 Vaccines and Induced Anaphylaxis – FINAL


If you have trouble downloading these PDF files you can find them on the following pages on this website:




Please consider purchasing the hard copies of J.E Lukach’s books if you so feel inclined. The man is doing such great work and is sharing his work for free, relying solely on donations. By buying his hard copies you are helping to give a little to someone who is dedicating their time to helping the world and putting his neck out in the process. Links to purchase books in print:

You can also make a donation to his paypal if you so choose:

I cannot recommend more highly, reading these book (and particularly ‘What Now’) from start to finish. So many questions will be answered on so many different levels about this pressing issue and how it ties into the current existential threat we are going through. However, for those who just want to have quick access to the protocols, they are listed below. As J. E. Lukach also makes clear about himself, I am also not an establishment doctor and although I have worked in true health and healing methods and have been a nutritional consultant and hair mineral analysis practitioner for many years with a deep understanding of health, I am not a medical doctor licensed by the medical cartel. The following are not recommendations but rather me writing about what I would personally do if I found myself in a similar predicament to someone who had taken a covid 19 vaccine.   


  1. Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)
    Dosage: To Correct Acidity 2 teaspoons of baking soda daily is all one needs to do to correct acidity in bodily fluids. Bob’s Mill brand is good
  1. Vitamin D3 –
    Dosage: A covid-vaccinated person, especially one that is experiencing adverse reactions, should begin taking a minimum of10,000 IU daily and I strongly recommend blood work to test vitamin D levels if they feel sick.
  1. Monolaurin –
    Dosage: Recommend dosage is 1,000-3,000 mg per day, but it is best to start at 1,000 mg before working your way up to 3,000 mg if needed. This dosage can be repeated two to three times per day if desired, but don’t exceed 9,000 mg per day.
    Monolaurin is fat soluble and is best taken during or after a meal for best absorption. Monolaurin is not the type of nutritional supplement one has to. Take on a daily basis, but only when the need arises. Obviously, if you have been exposed to an mRNA covid injection product, that establishes need, but if some time has passed since that exposure, the damage suffered to your immune system may become a serious problem all by itself. Because covid vaccinated people have suffered some immune system damage, they can potentially become vulnerable to a wide range of bacterial infections.
  1. N-Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) – 600mg capsules (You won’t find this sold on Amazon or in most drugstores anymore. Because it is a critical part of this therapy, the FDA has launched a war on it, but you can still find it easily in online stores. Buy this in bulk if you can, it may become hard to find at some point.)
    Dosage: At least 600mg/daily, 1-2 times a day during illness.
  1. Bromelain- 850mg capsules if you can find them, otherwise the largest size you can buy.
    NAC+C combination increases production of Glutathione and to replace reserves. NAC+Bromelain combination inhibits spike protein binding and breaks up blood clots. Bromelain recommended Dosage: For adults in whom blood clotting is a concern, take one 850/mg quick release capsule of Bromelain with water immediately before each meal and one or two 600/mg capsules of NAC daily.
  1. Zinc – 50mg tablets. Dosage: 50mg daily (no more as zinc lowers the sodium/potassium ratio in the body).
  1. Selenium – 200mcg capsules. Dosage: Selenium Dosage:
    The tolerable upper limit for selenium is 400/mcg per day, so supplementing with a 200/mcg capsule every other day is a fairly conservative dosage. The tolerable upper limit for selenium is 400/mcg per day, so supplementing with a 200/mcg capsule every other day is a fairly conservative dosage.
  1. Quercetin (Optional) – 500/mg capsules
    Dosage: a commonly recommended dosage is around 12.5 to 25mg/per kg bodyweight, per day. So, for a 150-poundperson,thatis just under 4,000/mg. Just keep in mind how fast the body can eliminate quercetin and spread the amount out over the course of the day. Note: Quercetin may interact with a number of medications and other supplements:
    − Antibiotics: It may prevent the action of antibiotics.
    − Blood thinners: Could possibly increase the effects of blood-thinning medication.
    − Chemotherapy: May interact with chemotherapeutic medication.
    − Corticosteroids: Could cause medications to stay in your body longer.
    − Cyclosporine: May interact with the absorption of this medicine.
    − Digoxin: Could increase the risk of side-effects associated with this chemical agent.
    − Fluoroquinolones: May decrease the effectiveness of these medicines.
    − Medications altered/activated by the liver: May change how your body metabolizes medicines.
  2. Calcium – The Janssen and AstraZeneca vaccines in particular drastically lower Calcium.
    The tolerable upper intake levels (UL’s) of any supplement is the highest amount that most people can take safely. For calcium, they are as follows:
    Infants 0-6 month: 1,000 mg/day
    Infants 7-12 months 1,500 mg/day
    Children 1-8 years 2,500 mg/day
    Children 9-18 years 3,000 mg/day
    Adults 19-50 years 2,500 mg/day
    Adults 51+ years 2,000 mg/day
    Determining how much to take can also get a bit complicated given that much of what you take is not actually absorbed. Calcium is absorbed best when taken in amounts of 500-600 mg or less. Take (most) calcium supplements with food. Eating food produces stomach acid that helps your body absorb most calcium supplements. The one exception to the rule is calcium citrate, which can absorb well when taken with or without food. The percentage of a given dose of calcium that is absorbed in men and non-pregnant women, across a wide age range, has been demonstrated to be approximately 25 percent of calcium intake, so getting this right without the benefit of tests might take a bit of effort on your part.
  1. Elderberry (Sambucus) – Antioxidant gummies are about 230mg, gel capsules are about 620mg. Either of those options is fine. Dosage: A good daily dosage is one 630 mg gel cap or the equivalent in 230 mg gummies.
  1. Moderate nicotine and alcohol – (optional). This might sound slightly counterproductive and outright ludicrous to some but both alcohol and nicotine stimulate the production of myeloperoxidase which naturally biodegrades Graphene Oxide which is an extremely toxic industrial chemical.  Not only is Graphene Oxide found within the covid injections but it is also present in MANY of the foods we eat. Because it is being sprayed into the atmosphere it rains down and contaminates the soil we grow food in. It is even in the air we are breathing. Detoxing graphene is VERY important to do on an ongoing basis, even if you are unvaccinated. Everything you can do to reduce the level of heavy metals in your body is worth doing. Smoking is always very bad idea but chewing tobacco or finding a noncombustible form of nicotine could be very useful. Drinking a glass of wine in the evenings could also help.

There are also two medications that are normally prescription only:

  1. Ivermectin
    Ivermectin can be a bit tricky to obtain, and it is getting very expensive. Outside the US in some places like Mexico for example, it is sold over the counter. You can order form abroad by sending an email to: ivermectinbypost@protonmail.com
    Another way to obtain it inside the US and in most developed nations the best way to get it is to use a sympathetic telemedicine provider:  https://covid19criticalcare.com/guide-for-this-website/how-toget-ivermectin/
  1. Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine- (optional)
    As with Ivermectin, it is recommend to use a sympathetic telemedicine provider to obtain a prescription. Dosage levels for HCQ should be left to the discretion of the prescribing physician, but some recommendations that have been put forward can be found are below:
    −400/mg/day. [Korean recommendation]
    −Another Chinese study [Expert consensus on chloroquine phosphate for the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia] recommended a chloroquine phosphate tablet, 500mg twice daily for 10 days for patients diagnosed with covid pneumonia and without contraindications to Chloroquine.
    Hydroxychloroquine is also available from abroad by contacting: ivermectinbypost@protonmail.com
    Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) Safety Info:
    Ivermectin by itself is likely much more effective than HCQ. Hydroxychloroquine is considered generally safe and likely effective for prevention and early treatment, but it may not be effective later in the course of illness. Side effect risk is higher than with Ivermectin, especially with long term use, and unlike Ivermectin, HCQ requires knowledge of baseline CBC and CMP (liver and kidney function). It also requires a comprehensive eye exam and muscle strength testing within the first year of use. I recommend asking for it as a prophylactic measure. I obtained a personal supply just to hang on to in case the need came up several months ago and the price I paid was around $22 for about 73 tablets. The same order can now be as high as a grand in America, depending on who you purchase it from. You may find a better deal somewhere but I kind of doubt it. Big Pharma has not only done its level best to convince you it is dangerous. They have also deliberately raised prices significantly, all to discourage you from taking this. Jacking up the cost significantly is a thinly veiled attempt to price it out of reach for anyone able to get a prescription for it filled, but it is a very important part of my program here, so don’t skip it if you want results. Proper dosing for your situation will be provided with the medication but I do provide some guidelines later if you just happen to obtain Ivermectin through other means than an appropriate doctor or from ordering abroad.
  2. Botanical Vitamin C NOT ASCORBIC ACID. Capsules come in many sizes, buy the largest dosage capsule you can find. Dosage: 3000 mg daily (Be careful with vitamin C as it raises the body’s oxidation rate and removes copper)
  3. Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) (additional option) If one has chronic kidney or liver issues, or vaccine damage to the liver or kidneys, DMSO is not something someone should take These organs may not be able to handle the up-regulation if they are compromised. This includes kidney or liver damage that has been caused by taking dangerous drugs like Remdesivir. If you have been given Remdesivir, DMSO would be extremely dangerous for you. It is a good idea to supplement DMSO use with a bit of liquid magnesium. Another way to supplement magnesium is by soaking in an Epsom salt bath. Just buy a bag of Epsom salt and dump a heaping handful into your bath water. If you have the time, take two Epsom salt baths a day.

It may seem like there are a lot of reasons to avoid DMSO, but for a healthy person DMSO can be very beneficial.


For topical use, DMSO needs to be pharmaceutical grade, 99.995 percent pure and mixed in a 50 to 70 percent dilution. One must measure out the quantities and add clean distilled water until reaching the desired dilution level. One should use glass tincture bottles, avoiding all kinds of plastic containers to avoid any chemicals in plastic containers leeching into mixed DMSO solution. A tablespoon-sized amount should be rub on the affected areas or as close to affected organs as possible. Once daily is enough. Application of topical DMSO to the torso is very effective. For gastrointestinal problems it is applies to the stomach area. Topical application of DMSO to the feet also provides an excellent way to get it into the system fast, since there are far more blood vessels ending there.

For oral use, DMSO needs to be pharmaceutical grade, 99.995 percent pure. The same 50 to 70 percent dilution can be used, but for oral administration one would measure out a teaspoon-sized amount, a little less than the topical amount, and mix it into at least five ounces of juice or other liquid. This could be done up to twice a day if treating a major health issue.

DMSO tastes, terrible so it would be strongly advised to use a strong flavored juice to make the taste bearable.

The word ‘Vitamin’ is a mash-up of two other words: Vital (necessary for life) and Amine (chemical compound)

Most of the supplements listed above are inexpensive and easily obtainable in any vitamin store or online nutrition website. It is ok to price shop but try whenever possible to buy these vitamins in powder form and sold in capsules. Many tablets are held together with wax and other things that make them very difficult to absorb. A pill is no good to you if it goes in one end and comes out the other whole. Porta-pottie companies find huge amounts of one a day vitamins in the waste when they dump them out.

If possible everything should be bioavailable, and when you take a certain dosage, you need to know how much of that actually gets absorbed. This is the kind of research you need to do when selecting supplements. It is critical that you not simply eat pills but actually learn about any supplements you are taking. You should read about their pharmacology from several sources, read reviews, read supplier information, and avoid CDC, FDA and Gov’t sources except maybe to compare. This is especially true when it comes to recommended dosages. The daily recommended dosage of every supplement on the FDA’s list has been shrinking for decades. This is not accidental, and people have not changed. Pharma works especially hard to out compete natural medicine companies and ruin everything positive mentioned about their benefits. They even pay for misleading. Once again everything listed above should be very safe. With the exception of Ivermectin and HCQ (which although pharmaceutical drugs are considered very safe in this category), they are all completely natural supplements but on should always research each supplement for themselves, when in doubt, in order to avoid potentially negative interactions with other medications or any other chronic conditions one may have.

This article is GENERAL information and personal thoughts and opinions, NOT personalized medical advice or guidance, and any information that one may choose to apply is done at THEIR OWN RISK.

If you would like to start a personalized rebalancing program based on your hair analysis, in order to heal deeply, you can order from this page: https://www.beyondoptimalhealth.com/shop/
This is the perfect program to help enhance the vaccine detox such that I would use above. It is the best way to complement any therapy and regain the balance in your body. Once the body is deeply rebalanced, it can deal with and heal practically anything.

If you would like to make a small cryptocurrency or PayPal donation to this page to help spread awareness and information, you can do so to the following addresses:





Please share this information far and wide, many people are suffering in silence and many more still will need this information in the not-so-distant future.  Much love to all, God bless and may the light shine bright through the darkness.