+66 88 450 8918

Beyond Optimal Health

Nice to meet you.

My name is Rhodri and I’m a nutritionist who uses highly effective healing methods built on nutritional and mineral fundamentals in order to guide you towards your goals of optimal health and vitality. I also believe that healing is intrinsically linked to trauma removal and the subconscious negative programs that are picked up throughout life. Learning how to let go of negative attitudes and fearful outcomes is a very powerful therapy in itself, When the above methods are merged it creates the conditions for exceptional healing and development.

To explain this better, I use methods which enable me to measure health through the level of energy our body has available to heal, detoxify, regenerate and thrive. When the correct energy level is available and and we are also free of fearful and negative thoughts high vitality ensues. This helps lead us to experiencing optimal health of both the physical type and also mental wellness, which is something we innately strive for yet so often lack. When these factors are in balance we feel feel truly alive and well!

As mentioned above all vital functions within the body require energy, but the benefits we need for healing and thriving can only be obtained if the balance between the minerals within your body are in harmony. Through carefully mapping and observing the imbalances in the body and gently working on rebalancing essential mineral levels and ratios, whilst at the same time removing the toxic minerals and chemicals that have accumulated over time, this amazing vehicle which is your body will unlock its remarkable abilities and go to work in healing you deeply. It will generally do this regardless of the condition you might be struggling with. The name of the condition simply does not matter.

So whatever may be of concern to you this healing method will lay out a clear path that can help you enjoy the health, vitality and happiness which was always your natural birth right and is waiting to be reclaimed.

The Personalized and bespoke approach I use:

We are all unique and therefore all present with different concerns when it comes to our health and wellbeing. By exploring all the underlying causes contributing to your specific concerns I will help you put the pieces of the puzzle together and assist you in finding long term solutions to your health.

I love to listen to and discover more about your conditions by asking the most important and relevant questions and finding the potential underlying causes that might be affecting your road to optimal health. Helping find the right path which works for you is something I do with utmost dedication and I will help you every step of the way.

  What is your story and what brought you here?   

What I have observed over the years whilst working with people to help find the solutions to their health concerns, is that the name of a particular ailment is  more often than not of little importance. If we work on the overall health and help reawaken the body’s natural state of repair, health conditions, regardless of their given name, will usually just clear up on their own. Having said that, the following health conditions listed are just some of the concerns people commonly have and which can be successfully addressed:

-Depression and despair.
-Burnout and chronic fatigue.
-General health issues.
-Joint and connective tissue issues.
-Brain fog.
-Eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin conditions.
-Issues related to weight.
-General issues related to aging.
-Digestive issues.
-Hormonal imbalances.
-Multiple chemical sensitivities.
-Food allergies, intolerances & sensitivities.
-Insomnia and sleep issues.
-Weight concerns.
-Disordered eating.
-Negative body image.
-Menopausal symptoms.
-Issues related to the thyroid or adrenal glands.
-Adverse reactions to medication.
-Relationship difficulties and challenges.
-Candida and parasites within the body.
-Lack of self confidence and lack of self esteem.
-Destructive and self-sabotaging thoughts & behaviours.
-General concerns due to emotional control.
-Heavy metal toxicity of all types.
-General illness of both chronic or acute types.
-Health issues that are not medically recognized.

The Pillars of our healing journey:

Focusing on holistic (whole body healing): Despite attaching importance to healing individual symptoms (which we surely do too), in order to heal problems that may seem very isolated, we need to enhance the overall vitality of the whole body. A troublesome symptom can often be related to a deeper issue which may not seem obvious at first. By healing deeply and in a holistic fashion we can treat the source of the problem not just the symptom.

Using the most accurate method to reveal where we are health wise so we know where to start:
So as to get a very precise understanding of ones health, I use Hair Tissue Mineral analysis, this highly accurate test shows the levels of 15 minerals and 6 toxic metals. By looking at all the different ratios of these minerals we can reach an advanced understanding of the issues which need to be corrected. 

A whole body holistic approach to health:
I believe that by far your most important asset is your physical and emotional health and well being. For this reason I believe that combining nutrition with lifestyle counseling is our biggest priority when it comes to regaining full spectrum health.  We need to feel supported in our journey to great health and have the support in place to make it a smooth and happy journey

A personlised plan from someone who has experienced and overcome his own health problems too:
I know what it is like to have health issues and challenges that impact on a good quality of life. Once upon a time I was in state of hopelessness and tried so many different healing protocols both mainstream and alternative. Ultimately this brought me to a position where I was able to know what doesn’t work (or only works on the short term) and what really works. I know the frustration but I also know the joy of finding the solutions and I would love to help you find that same joy and satisfaction.

Anti-aging Effect

An Advanced Anti Aging And Life Extension System

Healing through mineral nutritional balancing by carefully using hair mineral analysis is a true anti-age and life extension system and the most efficient system of this kind that i have ever come across.
Most modern so called ‘anti aging’ and ‘rejuvenation’ systems that we hear about that involve either surgical intervention or some aggressively marketed miracle’ supplement are in fact only superficial fixes that do nothing to reverse or pause the aging process.
This healing and health method on the other hand is very unique and if followed properly will work in a very profound way to help bring about anti aging.
It is a remarkable process that occurs as one balances and nourishes the body in a special way for a prolonged period of time.
It manifests through a number of transformations that occur both within the body and the brain as a result of following the correct methods.
Trauma and fearful mindsets tend to bring about aging and poor health too so by restructuring our thoughts we complement the deep healing results of mineral rebalanincg. Once health reaches a certain point, regeneration of the body will occur to an extent at which it can be considered true anti-aging and life extension.

This type of healing can also be described as:
-The deployment of the full potential of a human being.

-A precise physiological and energetic process with definite stages and a fixed sequence of events leading to revolutionised health, longer lifespan and enhanced mental faculties.

Remineralizing and detoxifying the body through Nutrition.

The lack of adequate or sufficient nutrients combined with nutritional deficiencies are a major cause of accelerated aging and shortened life spans in modern times.
This is often due to mineral deficiencies and toxins that accumulate in place of preferred minerals as well as thousands of cumulative toxic chemicals which the body is unable to release without getting into a balanced and optimal state of health. Toxic bodies age much faster and digestion therefore weakens making it harder for the body to absorb the necessary minerals and nutrients.

This state of depleted nutrition further accelerates aging unless it is corrected though the proper means.
The correct and effective process of re-nourishing and fortifying the body ultimately requires a lot more than random pills and mineral supplements, it needs to be properly achieved through investigating and analyzing ones exact bio chemistry and using different methods of nourishment, remineralization and detoxification.

Building a baseline level or foundation of health for healing and longevity.

One of the fundamental and powerful concepts for anti-aging and life extension is the building of a foundation of exceptional health.

The mainstream approach to improving wellbeing and health usually puts the focus on specific and isolated causes of aging, such as heart problems, preventing diabetes, cancers, dementia and general organ damage.
On the other hand the way I work through mineral balancing approach focuses on healing the whole body and correcting often less noticeable subtle irregularities and eliminating latent or sub-clinical diseases long before they manifest into bigger problems. This is actually true prevention.

Maintaining and boosting the level of etheric energy.

The concept of etheric healing and etheric energy is mostly unknown in today’s western nations. It can fairly accurately be summarized as a fixed supply of energy we are all born with which unless constantly maintained and restored (which is unfortunately very rarely the case) gradually runs down causing us to age fairly fast.

Rebalancing and restoring macro mineral integrity results in one conserving and also increasing the etheric energy within the body and therefore extending life and slowing aging dramatically. This is a wonderful benefit that goes beyond conventional health and wellness.

Nutritional healing

-Mineral balancing through a nutritional approach

The mineral rebalancing healing method I use is largely based on the revolutionary work of Dr Paul Eck who discovered the intricate relation between the mineral composition of the body and health. I use hair tissue mineral analysis as the screening test to observe not only the levels of the minerals in the hair but also their arrangement and ratios in relation to one another. Through this observation something called the oxidation rate can be revealed, which is an indicator of how fast energy is processed on a cellular level and is related to the thyroid and adrenal function. The oxidation rate is the first indicator I look for and will recommend dietary habits and specific supplements based on your individual oxidation rate in order to bring it into balance. Once this level of energy can be harmonized, the body is getting into a much better place of healing and later enhancement. This enhancement means to significantly enhance ones genetic potential.

-Whole system healing as opposed to symptom chasing for real health changes

Localized symptoms are also of real importance my approach is more focused on the whole system healing as it works and heals at a deeper level. Over the years I have come to the infallible conclusion that this approach will usually get to the real root cause.

-A physical, mental and emotional link

It is very interesting and surprising to find that our mineral imbalance and toxic metals accumulations that take place over time account not only for our physical health conditions but also for our mental and emotional health conditions too. It is so rewarding to see mental and emotional issues heal and lift after someone has suffered them during many years and almost come to believe that they were simply their identity and this unchangeable. Seeing these emotional and mental issues as a deep elemental unbalancing or toxicities that are completely healable is also a wonderful thing to see.   

-Deep healing with Nutrition and supplements

Food is an unquestionable factor in how we feel and our over all health. The old saying ‘you are what you eat’ holds a lot of truth. However you can have certain food intolerances that are very individualized and therefore diet needs to be very personalized. This is also very true for supplements too which are also helping to accelerate the vital balance of the body and particularly so in the early days. In this regard, when we look at your mineral balance through the hair test mineral balance we are able to find answers that are very unique to yourself and I will then make diet and supplement recommendations accordingly. 


 Are long distance virtual consultations possible?

Absolutely, I work with clients all over the world by means of Skype, Zoom, Telegram and Phone

*How do I know if this is the right health and wellness approach for me?

You can find information outlining my approach on the website. You can also book a free 20 minute consultation so we can have a chat to help you understand the benefits of my methods.


*Is the diet recommended restrictive?

The main aim is to make it work for you and this sometimes means taking some time to ease into the ideal eating habits. I try to include good variety in the diet and tailor it to your personalized needs. As the health improves unhealthy food cravings tend to dissipate significantly and healthy eating tends to become much more pleasurable.

*Will I be recommended some supplements?

Carefully selected supplements are usually very important and helpful to assist with the healing process. These are based on your highly individualized hair mineral analysis test. As we use these results to correct and improve the balance of the body, this shift will increase the energy needed for healing of all types. If necessary supplement recommendations can be adjusted to make things more manageable. Although some supplements are usually essential, if you just want dietary recommendations based on your hair mineral analysis results, I can also help with that.

*Why do you use Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis and what lab do you use for testing?

Hair testing gives a unique cellular reading of the mineral levels. Metabolic activity takes place in the cells and typical tests such as blood and urine rarely analyze the cells themselves.  While blood test have their own merit they do not reveal the same information as hair tests.

The reasons for this are the following:

-Hair is a stable material for biopsy and can be handled more easily without its reading being altered or compromised.

-Blood tests can fluctuate on an hourly basis depending on what one has ingested, the time of day and variety of other factors (such as exercise and stress levels).

-For the quality of readings it gives, hair testing is extremely cost effective it is also a very easy convenient way to take a sample for biopsy and can be done easily from home.

-Minerals are always displaced from the tissues to maintain blood levels. This means that deficiencies or excesses often show up earlier in the hair than in the blood.

-Blood levels of minerals vary very little, while hair values may vary 10-fold, providing information not available from the blood. This provides much deeper insight into what is actually happening on a cellular level.

-Hair testing is much more effective for revealing toxic metals which rarely stay in the blood for long. They accumulate in the hair where an accurate reading can be made.  They are only found in significantly high concentrations in the blood after an acute exposure.

-Through the observation of the mineral imbalances and presence of toxic metals, we are able to understand the underlying factors affecting health and wellness. We can then correct these factors in order to bring about deep healing of physical but also mental and emotional issues of all sorts.

*Why are supplements so important?

Beyond just necessary, a carefully and individually tailored supplement program is essential.
Some of the main reasons for this are as follows:

-Soil depletion has seriously reduced the nutrient content of our food supply

-Hybrid crops provide lower-nutrient food. These are used everywhere today, even on organic farms. They yield more food per acre, but the crops all have a much lower nutrient content than those grown 100 years ago.

-Modern fertilizers do not supply enough trace elements.

-Modern use of chemical pesticides and herbicides all over the world make food somewhat toxic, and damage the soil microorganisms. Both of these also reduce the nutrition and quality of the crops. Long-distance transportation of many foods diminishes their nutritional content.

-Food processing often drastically reduces the nutrient content of common foods such as wheat flour, rice, dairy products and others.

-Pasteurization and homogenization of dairy products drastically reduces the bio-availability of calcium, phosphorus and some proteins in milk and other dairy products.

-Food additives often further deplete nutrients.

-Weak digestion and poor eating habits impair the absorption of nutrients.

-Stressful and hurried lifestyles impair digestion and use up more nutrients.

-Chronic and acute infections and common illnesses also deplete nutrient and increase nutritional needs.

-Almost all babies are born with nutritional deficiencies today.

-The increased use of vaccines and medical drugs can drastically deplete a person’s nutrition.

-Toxic chemicals and toxic metals in the air, water and elsewhere also deplete nutrients and increase the need for nutrition to combat them.

-Some medical procedures also drastically deplete nutrients.

-Special life situations require extra nutrition, such as:

-All babies, children, the elderly and all athletes.

-Anyone born with a birth defect may need additional nutrients.

-Anyone who is ill, particularly those with a chronic illness.

-Pregnant and lactating women.

-Anyone who uses alcohol, refined sugar or recreational drugs such as marijuana.

-Anyone following a vegetarian or other restricted diet for any reason such as weight loss or anything else.

-Anyone under extra stress due to financial issues, a difficult job or marriage, or for any other reason.

Combine all these different groups together and you’re talking about most people!  Yet few health professionals are taught that all of these situations require extra nutrients beyond that which is available from only the highest quality food, eaten in a healthful manner.

Supplements can be used by everyone to protect against disease, eliminate states of deficiency, prevent future illness, and balance the body chemistry.

The standard nutritional standards set by governments around the world are much too low and also recommended with no consideration for the unique needs of every different individual.

People’s nutritional requirements vary greatly depending on many factors including heredity, age, lifestyle, temperament, occupation, stress levels and illnesses. Furthermore additional factors such as metabolic type, mineral ratios, toxic metals and others also define nutritional needs.

Although through years of observing almost a million people that have used hair mineral analysis it can be concluded without a doubt that supplements are very important in regaining the necessary balance for healing, I do understand that some may not wish to take them for whatever reason. We can still work together to help you reclaim your health and vitality by using hair mineral analysis, dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments and the removal of subconscious blockages.

*What is the cost of supplements:

On average 7 to 10 supplements are needed on the program.

For an adult, the cost of the supplementation for the program is usually about $150.00 to $220.00 per month if supplements are taken three times daily which is optimal.

Supplements usually cost about $100.00 to $160.00 monthly if you take them twice daily.

This is okay and one will also benefit greatly, although progress will be slower than if the supplements are taken three times a day.  The supplement costs assume that one takes just the main supplements.

Each person’s supplement program will vary as we all have individual nutritional needs that differ. These vary according to heredity, age, lifestyle, temperament, occupation, stress levels and illnesses. They are also majorly determined by the metabolic type, mineral levels, mineral ratios and the presence of toxic metals that will be observed on the hair mineral analysis.

*When will I start seeing an improvement in health and wellness?

This will depend on the individual, usually some improvement will be noticed within weeks and will continue improving over time. Many people have advanced underlying issues such as latent or sub-clinical cancer and other conditions which the body will prioritize on healing or clearing itself of first, for this reason the most obvious symptoms are sometimes the ones that will resolve themselves last.
This does not mean that healing is not happening, on the contrary, the body is in fact focusing on what is most urgent with regards to health.


Lets get started on your healing journey, with a personally tailored healing and wellness plan. You can book a free 20 minute consultation with me at the following email address: If you would like to get started directly, you can order a full plan by following this link:

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