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Over the last few years there has been much talk of Ivermectin as a powerful anti viral with a high success rate for treating ‘covid19’. Governments have banned its sale in many countries, as media campaigns have gone into overdrive, attempting to ridicule the drug and vilify anyone who tries to recommend it as an effective alternative to the pharmaceutical cartels only answer: experimental and now (as many had always suspected) demonstrably dangerous injections. It is certainly true that Ivermectin has helped many people recover from respiratory illness but this has nothing to do with any ‘anti-viral’ effect. The reasons for this, can be better explained by first addressing an important and related issue: that viruses, as we are told they exist, are a longstanding myth. This is understandably a difficult reality for most to people to get their heads around, so it would be best to first address this rather important factor before moving on to the possible reasons for which Ivermectin is effective in ‘treating’ respiratory conditions.

What the medical establishment terms as viruses, are simply reactions and detoxification processes of our own bodies that take place when there is a toxic assault within. Illnesses always originate from internal and external environmental toxicity and poor diet. This is known as terrain theory.

If we trace back the word virus to its origin, it actually means poison in Latin, which is a much more apt word. Other than through misunderstood and mismanged biological conflicts, such as is explained in German New Medicine, diseases are caused by poisons (which are also for the most part, allowed to take over due to biological conflicts), of which there are two main types:

1) Poisons of a bio-chemical nature.

These are the numerous toxic substances that may include chemicals sprayed on crops or released from factories, among many others . When these harmful and poisonous chemicals enter the body, they create toxicity and bring about reactions at the cellular level, which results in diseases of various forms.

2) Electro-magnetic and radiation poisons.

These are the negative effects of electrical and microwave radiation on our bodies.

The human body is bio electromagnetic in nature. Your hair and skin are one big, giant receiver or antennae. All changes in the electro-magnetic fields influence your body. If you come into contact with harmful radiation or frequencies, the body will react, causing dis-ease. The disease is actually a natural defense mechanism to rid the body of the reactive toxins. They are not the cause of illness but rather the solution, which the body creates to solve a specific problem. They are internal and not transmissible.

With regards to electromagnetic poisoning, we see some interesting ‘coincidences’ over the last 100 years:

-1918 was when telecommunications radio waves were deployed and was the same year the notorious Spanish flu spread through the world. (It is worth noting that many also died from delayed bacterial pneumonia due to prolonged mask wearing, which may sound familiar.) Combining this with the end of the first World War, when a large part of the world went into a mass healing stage of death fright and separation biological conflicts (the men had to leave their families to go to war and people in general were terrified of being killed by enemy bombs or by other means) we can see how this was a devastating year for death around the world. The healing stage of disease, is always the time when the frightening symptoms show, which doctors tell people are the actual ‘disease’. This sets off a chain reaction of fear that in turn creates more biological conflicts that often end up in death.  

-1940s radar technology was deployed, which led to widespread Influenza epidemics thereafter and the ‘discovery’ of influenza B in the 1940s.

-2003 was the year when 3G (The third generation of wireless mobile telecommunications technology) was deployed. This was the year of the so called SARS epidemic.

-2009 was when 4G (The fourth generation of wireless mobile telecommunications technology) was deployed around the word. This was the same year as the so called H1N1 epidemic.

-2019 5G started being deployed on a large scale throughout the world. Interestingly when the world was locked down and banned from earning a living or visiting sick and dying relatives, governments around the world rushed to install 5G towers day and night. This was the year the so called ‘COVID 19’ ‘pandemic’ started.

Why would somebody want this falsehood sustained?

It is important to understand that no virus has ever been isolated, identified, or demonstrated to be capable of existing outside of a living organism or of transmitting disease. The Germ and Virus Theory is an intricate and deeply rooted hoax, supported by Rockefeller and their fraudulent medicinal paradigm’ which has, sadly been accepted as a scientific truth due to our lifelong programming. The man initially responsible for pushing the virus myth on a large scale for the Rockefeller institute and subsequently indoctrinating the masses, was the virologist and Bacteriologist Thomas Milton Rivers. Rivers was referred to as the ‘father of virology’ but was just another bought and paid for agent in the mass fraud. The so called Germ theory which led to the virus myth, was proposed by another establishment shill and monumental fraud by the name of Louis Pasteur (although if we go even further back Pasteur stole the germ theory from Viennese physician, Doctor Plenciz. That being said, Pasteur was the first to really make the lie go mainstream). Pasteur presented false evidence for proof of infection to win the debate against terrain theory advocate Antoine Bechamps. Ironically, towards the end of his life Pasteur eventually admitted that germ theory was false and that terrain theory was ‘everything’. However, the germ theory paradigm was firmly rooted and from thereon became and continues to be such a useful tool of endless financial gain, as well as societal control, that the debate was never reopened and the usual referencing of false ‘science’, personal attacks and vilification were deployed against all those who dared to try bringing the truth to light. This is what has led to the widespread erroneous belief of what ‘viruses’ actually are. We know they’re not transmissible because over a hundred years ago, numerous scientists tried to infect healthy people with the Spanish flu using fluids from the sick and ‘infected’. Over the course of 150+ experiments, they introduced the fluids into the nose, throat of the non ‘infected’ and even injected them into the bodies of the healthy test subjects. The healthy did not in any instance get ill. There have also been numerous similar experiments over the course of the last 100 years. Another example, was the attempted transmission by contagion of Pfeiffer’s bacillus from sick to healthy individuals at a US naval detention training camp on Deer Island at the start of the 1920s. Once again, despite every attempt to induce transmission between the healthy and sick, the healthy did not get ill.

There are no viruses, when we are ill and bacteria’s are present, they are simply saprophytes, which are types of scavengers that break down and feed on the debris that is being removed from the system. Until the cells and tissues return to a healthy state the bacteria’s thrive in order to see through the eliminative and purging actions. Once this has been completed and the tissue is healthy again, they subside. Using the example of a cold we can see this, a cold is simply not something one ‘catches’. Colds are the manifestation of a compromised eliminative efficiency within the body and a subsequent remedial effort that is brought about by the accumulation of unexcreted metabolic waste in the blood and lymph (as well as the intestinal absorption of toxic by products from compromised digestion). This causes the internal body to become over polluted and start a strong purging process to release the excess toxicity, which causes the unpleasant ‘cold like’ symptoms people experience (which it has to be stated are also partly the innate intelligence of the body, forcing one into a state of rest to recover faster and make the purification process more efficient). Simply put, if the internal body is kept in a healthy and balanced state, with its natural elimination process working unhindered, it will not get to the stage where ‘illness’ in the way we commonly describe it occurs.

In recent times more than 139 institutions around the world have been asked to provide proof of the existence of a single virus through various Freedom of Information Acts. So far, no one has been able to provide any evidence. So, regardless of how many complex layers a lie may have and however many times it has been repeated, taught, imposed, believed or profited from, it nevertheless still remains a lie. 

Journalist Samuel Eckert has offered 1 million euros for scientific proof of the existence of a coronavirus, (that would include documented control attempts of all steps taken in the proof) and no one has claimed the substantial payout yet. Truth be told it never will be claimed.  
Interestingly, this is not the first time this has happened with regards to a virus. In 2011 Dr Stefan Lenka offered a 100000 euro prize to anybody able to present a scientific publication that proved the existence of the measles virus and determine its diameter. An MD by the name of David Bardon put forward six publications, demanded the reward and subsequently attempted to sue Dr Lanka for his refusal to pay. On 16. February, 2016, the Oberlandesgericht of Stuttgart concluded and ruled that no proof of the existence of a measles virus had been presented. It was another clear example of the germ theory ‘virus’ fraud.

People often have a few questions that are understandable with regards to this  monumental global deception:

Firstly, why would people perpetrate and sustain this lie?

-The fixating fear of contagious organisms invading your body is hugely profitable to the pharmaceutical industry selling vaccinations and medical drugs which in turn brings about deeper and more serious health problems that they can claim to bring the magical solution to. It really ends up a winning situation for them on multiple fronts. Most of the time people act irrationally when in a state of fear. Viruses also provide an excuse and false explanation for when people suffer negative health consequences linked to environmental toxicity exposure or to perpetrate a pandemic power grab for totalitarian control. We have seen this on a massive scale these last three years.

Secondly, If viruses are not real and contagion is a myth, then why do people get ill at the same time?

-There are several reasons for this. We are a social species and our psyche is linked to one another’s in a powerful way. Just as in nature, where many events happen in a synchronistic fashion and follow a type of innate collective intelligence (eg: Flowers bloom together, the same species of animals awaken from hibernation at the same time, birds flock to the same spot on the planet on an exact date every year etc..) the same is true of humans. Also, when the external environmental conditions are a certain way, for example, when the winter is starting, the body will start to prepare itself for the harsh conditions that lie ahead by releasing its accumulated toxicity (hence the ‘flu’ season in colder countries). Often when people get ill at the same time it may also be due to an external toxic exposure, be it biological or electromagnetic. We can also answer the question by asking some other ones: Why do some people (especially doctors) have contact of all kind with supposedly infected (and supposedly highly infectious) individuals but do not go on to develop any type of disease? Why do small children often develop half a dozen colds throughout the year while their parents only develop one or two (or in many instances none at all). How can it be that people isolated at observation posts in extremely remote parts of the world ‘catch’ colds during their stay? Some people spend decades without getting sick, are we to believe that they have by some miraculous stroke of inconceivable luck, somehow avoided all the toxic exposures that others are exposing themselves to. Surely if the germ theory was true, every doctor (and every man woman and child on the planet for that matter) would be dead.

One of the other big issues with the contagion myth is that it cannot explain the start of the infection chain. What is the origin of the first infected person? Was it transmitted by an animal? In that case where did the first infected animal come from? And what about all the new germs that have been discovered? Were they always here, or did they appear out of nowhere? If the Germ Theory was true to itself, humans should have adequate immunity to the germs if they have always been present.
What causes the first domino to fall if diseases spread in a chain like reaction? How did the first person become infected and indeed where did they get infected?
People may point out that these germs could have been artificially created or developed in a laboratory setting. Does this really seem plausible when we look at the thousands of years (at least) that diseases have been suffered by humans. It doesn’t make any sense and the arguments put forward for ‘Germ theory’ end up destroying each other.


“A virus is simply the excretion of a toxic cell.”

Rudolf Steiner

The fact that the healthy do not develop disease can simply be answered by them either not having a pressing need to detoxify and cleanse or because they are not living in a permanent fear state with regards to being infected, therefore creating a cascade of disease inducing cortisol to weaken their systems. This not only addresses the issues people have with germ theory and viruses being false but also reinforces and solidifies terrain theory.

Coming back to Ivermectin, my own personal opinion is that I would use it as a last resort to prevent hospitalization, if I did not have any understanding of the German New Medicine biological laws and I were to find myself in the unfortunate situation of suffering acute respiratory distress. As has been seen with the Midazolam and Remdesivir murders in the UK and US and no doubt many other countries, hospitals can no longer be considered safe and in many instances have become little more than mass execution chambers. I would not consider using Ivermectin for healing minor respiratory infection and most certainly not as a prophylactic which many seem to have been doing and continue to do. I believe that many alternative doctors while well intentioned are mistakenly recommending Ivermectin for minor cases of illness and the Covid hysteria is encouraging people to take it indiscriminately when it is simply not needed. It is made out to be some wonder drug that can do no harm but it is still a highly pharmaceutical drug that I believe should be kept for respiratory conditions of a more advanced nature and as a last resort. Through a certain mechanism (which may be linked to the anti-parasitic properties acting to remove the many parasites accumulating in lung tissue but also to other mechanisms) and this explanation is a simplification, it allows for significantly improved breathing which has saved peoples lives on many occasions. (In fact some doctors have reported a 100% ‘cure’ rate with Ivermectin.) It also seems to slow or pause the detoxification of toxins which may be overwhelming ones system, which is subsequently unable to deal with such an intense systematic cleanup. As a result this can make Ivermectin life saving and I have seen it’s effectiveness for myself, however, the assumption that it is a ‘powerful anti viral’ is incorrect as there is no such thing as a ‘virus’. As is often the case with cancer (another disease about which the truth lies far beyond the mainstream narrative) it is the bodies inability to detoxify large amounts of toxic material in an orderly fashion which seems to kill patients. This is the reason that respiratory disease rarely kills healthy young people who have sufficient amounts of adaptive energy to deal with the cleanup process. On the other hand the elderly’s ability to carry out this cleanup is compromised and they therefore end up overwhelmed by the toxicity.  

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