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This article look at the problems assosiated with low testosterone and how to they can be fixed through deep healing of the body.

Firstly lets look at what this important male hormone called testosterone is and also its prime function. The primary male sex hormone, testosterone, is produced in the testes. To produce sperm and have children, men need a normal amount of testosterone. This hormone is essential for the development of the prostate and male reproductive tissues such as the testes and penis. Testosterone encourages healthy secondary sexual characteristics like increased bone mass and sex drive. A normal testosterone level is also required for good general health and the prevention of osteoporosis.

Low testosterone, or low T, is becoming increasingly common among males aged 45 and up, although these days it is significantly affecting men of a lot earlier age. A large American study found that a 65-year-old man in 1987 had about 17 percent more testosterone than a 65- year-old man in 2004 and this is undeniably an alarming drop in such a short amount of time. High levels of polychlorinated biphenyls which is a component used amongst other things in industrial coolants, as a plasticizer, and in many other applications) is associated with lower testosterone counts. Other chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA; a plastic) and also triclosan have been shown to affect and disrupt the human endocrine system, either by blocking the activity of testosterone or mimicking estrogen. When chemicals such as these become abundant in the environment and find their way into the food chain, they subsequently become very difficult to remove.

The usage of testosterone replacement treatment has resulted as a result of this. This article discusses why despite the quick fix offered by this type of replacement therapy, it is actualy not a good idea.


In the majority of cases, these include muscle loss, weakness, erectile dysfunction or impotence, depression, anxiety, and irritability. Other symptoms, such as malignancies and other diseases, may arise in some situations as a result of hormone imbalances. Low Testosterone also places men at a greater risk for obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and various other health conditions.


There are numerous causes for this:

1. The adrenal glands and testes are devoid of nutrition, which causes them to produce less testosterone.

2. Some guys create substances that impede testosterone. SHBG, or sex hormone binding globulin, is the most important of these. This is something that doctors think is a problem. In fact, the body may manufacture SHBG because the guy is in a four-lows cycle (meaning the 4 first macro minerals on a hair analysis chart are below ideal levels), which is exacerbated by testosterone in any form.

Unfortunately, some doctors prescribe testosterone replacement medication to these men, which can lead to cancer and other significant complications.

3. The body produces sufficient testosterone at times, but converts too much of it to estrogen or other hormones. This is frequently used as a form of compensation. Some doctors, on the other hand, give these men testosterone, which is just converted to more estrogen, subsequently making the men sicker.

Because testosterone replacement hormone therapy is simple and easy to administer and makes men feel better nearly immediately, more doctors are recommending it. The speed in which seemingly positive results ensue is striking. However, this does not change the fact that this therapy has long-term negative consequences for many men.


1. Most hormone replacement, even when necessary, causes people to fall into a four-lows pattern and maintains them there, which is exceedingly unhealthy. Other issues include:

2. Hormones are designed to be produced when needed, in response to the body’s current needs. This cannot be replicated with any pill, patch, shot, or other external route of administration. Taking hormones from the outside forces the body to respond to stress in ways that aren’t always healthy.

3. Hormones, including bio-identical hormones, are often hazardous since they are potent chemicals. As a result, all hormone replacement treatment is a little harmful.

4. It’s possible that bio-identical hormones aren’t completely bio-identical. There may be hormone combinations that are difficult to duplicate or mimic with a pill, patch, or shot.


There are some herbs and supplements that are said to increase testosterone naturally such as Ashwagandha, ginger extract, horny goat weed, Mucuna pruriens, shilajit and tongkat ali amongst others. While these herbs do have some effect they will usually, only have a mild effect at best. It is therefore better to heal and balance the body through a deep holistic approach, as this will usually bear far greater overall improvements.


A thorough mineral balancing program based on proper hair mineral analysis is a far better solution for Low T. In principle, this program will heal the problem of Low T in a completely non-toxic and physiological manner, as follows:

1. The program helps the adrenals and testes create more testosterone by supporting them.

2. It helps to regulate body chemistry, lowering stress on the adrenal glands in particular.

3. It increases the yang of a man’s physique, which lessens the demand for testosterone. This is also really beneficial.

4. It may make the body more responsive to testosterone’s effects, lessening the requirement for the hormones once more.

5. It can help someone break free from a four-lows trend. This not only aids in the synthesis of testosterone and other hormones, but it also aids in the reduction of body fat. It’s also a precautionary measure. It can also induce the body to create less sex hormone binding globulin and estrogen, thereby restoring hormone balance.

Increase and enhance testosterone levels in a natural permanent way with a rebalancing program by following this link.