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Skin health is often a reflection of internal balance and health. It is a large organ of elimination and also a protective barrier from infection due to bacteria, fungi, parasites, and other invasive health threats. It also helps protect the skin from sun damage, aids with both heat retention and heat elimination (temperature regulation), produces vitamin D for the body when exposed to sunlight and due to its permeability can absorb things that come into contact with it. It is also a signaling organ, meaning it can give off various chemicals in response to different situations.

As the skin is so permeable it is very important to take great care in regard to what one puts on the skin. In this article we will look at some healthy products that can be used for skin care.

Shea butter.
Shea butter is used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including sunburn, skin abrasions, recovery from a variety of skin diseases, and skin tightening. It has been shown to help improve circulation, reduce swelling, and provide antioxidant defense to the skin, in addition to providing itching relief. It also relieves itching and aids in the recovery from burns. Shea butter also has a neutral pH, making it suitable for all skin types.

Emu oil.
Emu oil is made from the fat of the emu, a large flightless Australian bird. It is extremely beneficial for a variety of skin conditions and, like Shea butter, is an excellent natural alternative to toxic beauty products. Its skin benefits include relief from common skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, eczema, and psoriasis. It’s also used for general skin care and to protect against UV ray damage.
Emu oil contains:
Vitamin A, which is a well-known antioxidant and an excellent skin tonic. By rejuvenating the cells, oleic acid or omega-9 can help fight wrinkles, blemishes, and scarring.
Linoleic acid, also known as omega – 6, aids in the relief of muscle aches and the type of joint pain associated with arthritis.
Terpines have antiseptic properties.
Sapogens have a variety of health benefits, including anti-aging and skin applications.

Emu oil is particularly effective at penetrating deep beneath the skin’s layers, where it can help treat inflammation, relieve pain, and treat the skin from within. Unlike most other oils, emu oil is devoid of phospholipids. This is significant because our skin prevents the penetration of phospholipid-containing oils. Emu oil’s deep and rapid penetration allows it to work on the skin, muscles, and joints in ways that most other oils and even some medications cannot. It does not settle on the skin and clog the pores due to its incredible absorption abilities. Due to this penetrative a ability emu oil can be used to help push other skin products deeper into the skin and thus rendering them more effective. I personally like to use emu oil over shea butter to moisturize my skin naturally.

Vitamin E.
Vitamin E promotes skin healing, which is why it is found in many skin creams. To get the most out of vitamin E, apply it topically as well as ingest it.

Aloe vera.
Another excellent skin treatment is aloe vera. Aloe vera can help a multitude of skin conditions but is especially good for burns where its regenerative properties are very effective. Among its components, aloe contains vitamins A and E, which are both excellent skin vitamins. Simply apply a cut leaf to the affected area, or purchase an aloe vera gel product from a health food store.

Almond oil.
Sweet almond oil is another excellent natural skin moisturizer and remedy. It contains a high amount of vitamin E, which is great for your overall skin health. It easily penetrates the skin and removes the oil and dirt that builds up in your pores. It also has antimicrobial properties that aid in the battle against bacteria. As a non-comedogenic oil, it is unlikely to clog your pores like some other oils.

For cleaning the skin, non toxic alternatives include: pure Aleppo soap, Savon de Marseille, plain castile soap, black African soap and an excellent brand called Grandpa’s Pine Tar Soap. All commercial shower gels and soap bars are best avoided completely.

With these different natural skin alternatives it is possible to replace the commercial highly toxic skin cosmetics which are commonly used by most people. Men can shave with almond oil instead of toxic shaving foam or if they have oily skin can use one of the healthy soaps mentioned above. These will not only be a lot healthier but often give a much better shave than the toxic commercial products. Emu oil can help hair loss, especially in the stubborn frontal areas of the scalp which are difficult to research, some believe it has a natural topical DHT blocking action which is majorly linked to male pattern baldness. Women and men can both can combine shea butter and emu oil for skin rejuvenating properties and if used consistently this combination will give excellent results.

These are great natural alternatives but we must bear in mind that great skin health is reflective of great inner health. The best road to internal and external health is through a mineral and nutritional balancing program based on hair mineral analysis.

To start a program or find out more please click here.