+66 88 450 8918

Eating Habits and Patterns

• Consume regular, sit-down meals, preferably at the same time every day.

• Refrain from overeating. Eat until you’re satisfied.

• Snack only when necessary with protein and/or fatty snacks to keep your blood sugar stable.

However, rather than snacking all day, it is far better to eat 4 or 5 small meals per day.

• Eat slowly and thoroughly, and make mealtimes enjoyable. If you live with your family try to make it an enjoyable family affair.

• Stay at the table for at least five minutes after each meal in a relaxed state to avoid stimulation and help assist digestion.

• Avoid refined sugar and sugary foods, including most fruits and juices, with the exception of 10- 12 ounces of carrot juice daily, with a few greens added if desired. Wheat grass juice is also a great alternative. Smoothies and other sugary beverages should be avoided.

• Avoid all wheat and spelt-containing products, including sprouted wheat. Some people must avoid all gluten-containing foods, including those made with rye, oats, and barley. Gluten can be found in a variety of prepared foods.

• Stay away from most pasteurized milk, cheese, and yogurt products, pasteurization is a very unhealthy and unnecessary process which is used to sterilize dairy that is already toxic and unfit for human consumption. Raw certified milk products, on the other hand, are mostly excellent and nutritious foods (in moderation). Organic milk is superior to other commercial milk, but not as good as raw certified milk.

Rest and physical activity

• Get enough rest and sleep. The majority of healing occurs while you are sleeping.

• Go to bed at a reasonable hour. The hours before midnight are extremely beneficial so if possible try to get to sleep by 9 or 10 pm at the latest. Try to get at least nine hours of sleep per night.

• Try to rest lying down for 10 minutes in the middle of the day and mid-afternoon, this is an excellent habit people living in the mediterranean and some other hotter countries have traditionally integrated into their lifestyles. It is very beneficial to health if one is able to do it.

• Vigorous and over strenuous exercise simply overstimulates your adrenal glands. Exercise for many who are not in an optimal state of health should be limited to gentle walking, preferably outside, and practices such as stretching, yoga, gentle bicycling, gentle weight lifting and other gentle activities while healing. Most people even high level athletes are very burned out and need to build energy levels for healing. Increasing the intensity of excercise should be put off until the body is much healthier.

• Refrain from exercising or engaging in other activities until the point of complete exhaustion.

Emotions, Attitudes, and Thoughts

• Always look for the truth. In all of your relationships and actions, express yourself with as much integrity as possible. By living this way your actions will tend to attract similar integrity from others.

• Try your hardest to stay in the present moment at all times. Projecting into the future and worrying about things that have not yet come to pass or regretting the past will not serve your better interests. This is hard to do but gets easier over time. Remember that most of your worries will in fact never actualize.

• Be aware of negative thoughts without judging them or yourself for having them. This will help them gradually lose control over you.

• Practice gratitude for who you are and what you have, no matter how insignificant it may appear.

• Use a simple meditation and understand that trauma release is a very important part of the healing process and often neglecting this will block healing at the deepest level.

• Forgive and forget, even if it is very challenging and often painful to do. It will have an amazingly freeing effect. Holding onto anger and resentment always effects health profoundly and letting go of it will bring much healing. This doesn’t mean staying in a situation where one is abused, it is perfectly alright to forgive, then release the person or situation and move on. Allow yourself to let go of grudges as soon as possible. Keeping grudges is a waste of energy.

• The most important aspects are spiritual alignment and grounding. Daily meditation, as well as walking, gardening, and sitting under large trees, can be extremely beneficial in this regard. For deep healing it is fundamental to bring up traumas which are stuck deep in the subconscious. A certain type of grounding meditation is usually needed to do this.

• Do not set goals that will lead to frustration. If tasks seem daunting, try to break them down into manageable mini tasks. Each small task accomplished will be a victory and small victories will quickly add up to big ones.

• If you want to heal successfully, you must be willing to put in the time and do your best to enjoy the journey. It is an interesting combination of doing the work but at the same time giving yourself over. True healing does not involve the removal of symptoms, but rather takes place on a much deeper level.

• Emotional detachment is wonderful, but it is not synonymous with indifference. Try not to spend your energy to much on overcharging situations with emotion. You will have more energy for love and contentment this way.

• Remember that no one, not even you, is perfect. So, take a deep breath and let go of your grudges and worries.

• Smile often. It’s no more expensive than frowning and have a positive effect on those around you which will subsequently come back to you.

• Gratitude is a state of mind.


Daily detoxification procedures are an excellent practice. Coffee enemas and near infrared light sauna sessions are by far the most powerful and effective.

Be happy and be well.

To start a full rebalancing and health optimizing program please follow this link.