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In this article we look a the different factors affecting heart health both physical and trauma based and how they can be corrected.

First it is important to define the different issues that can affect the heart beginning with heart attacks.

A heart attack occurs when the blood supply to the heart is cut off. It is also known as a myocardial event or infarction. A coronary event is another term for it.

In most countries, heart attacks and strokes are the leading causes of death for adults. However, it would seem that current medical and even natural prevention methods are wholly inadequate. As a result, thousands of people die needlessly each year! Tissue mineral testing and balancing programs provide solutions.


Because the heart is a special muscle that works constantly, 24 hours a day, it requires a lot of blood. It is the only one of its kind. All other muscles work and rest at different times. Only the heart works continuously, resting only in between beats.

If the blood supply to the heart is cut off for even a few seconds, the heart muscle, which requires a lot of blood, begins to die. If the blood supply is interrupted for more than a minute or two, irreversible damage to the heart muscle occurs. If the blood supply is interrupted, even partially, for more than 10 minutes, the heart is usually irreparably damaged.


The symptoms of a heart attack are highly dependent on the severity of the heart attack. If the condition is a mild one, there may be no symptoms at all or only minor pain or fatigue.

If the heart attack is more severe, there will usually be more symptoms, but this is not always the case. Sharp pain in the chest area that may radiate to the left arm and down the arm is one of them. However, there are times when the pain is minimal or radiates elsewhere, so there is never a general rule.

Typically, impaired blood flow to the brain and other areas of the body causes one to feel weak, sweaty, and nauseous, and one may collapse. Sometimes one feels a crushing pressure in the chest, as if someone is sitting on one’s chest or a heavy weight is placed on one’s chest.

The heart’s rhythm, as well as blood pressure and pulse rate, may be affected. Women typically experience fewer and sometimes different symptoms than men.


At least two aspects of the medical approach to cardiovascular health are lacking:

1. Doctors do not inform patients about the close relationship between certain nutrients and cardiovascular health.

2. All types of doctors routinely miss the warning signs of the most lethal type of heart attack. Every year, thousands of men and women of all ages die as a result of this preventable cause. Following are some examples:


There are two kinds of heart attacks.


This is the type that doctors are used to. They occur when a small piece of arterial plaque escapes from an artery and travels to the heart.

It lodges and blocks a coronary artery, which is one of the arteries that supplies blood to the heart muscle. This artery’s service area is then deprived of blood, and thus of oxygen and nutrients, and the muscle dies or is damaged to some extent.

Oxidation takes time. According to our findings, this type of heart attack is more common in slow oxidizers. This is a metabolic type, a concept that is not commonly used in mainstream or natural health care but has been discovered to be extremely important.

These people are prone to having clogged arteries due to a buildup of calcium, toxic metals, or fatty plaques in the arteries. They also have slower circulation, which can contribute to plaque buildup.

Hair mineral analyses on these individuals typically reveal high calcium and magnesium levels, with lower sodium and potassium levels. These are not indicators that will be revealed by blood tests.

Toxic metals. Toxic metal levels in tissues, such as cadmium, are always elevated. However, because the toxic metals are hidden deep within body tissues, including the artery walls, early tests may or may not reveal this.

Individuals also lack the adaptive energy required to remove the toxic metals. Only later, when the adaptive energy level rises as a result of a mineral balancing program, do the metals frequently show up on repeat hair mineral tests. The test measures the minerals that are excreted from the body via the skin and hair.

Because only one coronary artery is involved, these heart attacks are frequently non-fatal. Even if a portion of the heart muscle dies, the remaining heart muscle can frequently sustain life.

If a person survives a heart attack and rests, eats properly, and takes the recommended nutritional supplements, the body will regenerate new blood vessels to restore blood circulation to the heart. On a mineral balancing program, the clogged artery could even possibly be cleared and the tissue rebuilt.

In this way, after this type of heart attack, one can live for years, especially if the right action is taken and the body is properly cared for.

A balancing program will usually clear the arteries by reversing the process that caused the clogging and inflammation to begin with – nutritional deficiencies and toxic metal poisoning. Typically, no drugs or surgery are required to create these important health improvements.


This type of heart attack is poorly understood by medical professionals, but it accounts for the majority of deaths from this condition.

It’s both detectable and preventable. In fact, hair mineral analysis can predict and prevent this type of heart attack. This low-cost screening test, however, is rarely, if ever, performed in doctor’s offices and clinics. Once detected, the program can correct the mineral imbalance that causes these heart attacks, thereby preventing these fatal heart attacks.

Muscles line the walls of the arteries so in this type of heart attack, the arterial muscles contract or spasm to the point where blood flow to the heart is stopped.

The heart attack is a vicious cycle that occurs in a matter of seconds. The shock of a coronary artery spasm sets off an alarm in the body. This stresses the body even more, causing more spasms in the coronary arteries until all of the coronary arteries constrict. Death usually follows if the vicious cycle is not broken (hospitals will usually use intravenous magnesium sulphate to break this cycle).

Because it affects most or all of the coronary arteries at the same time, this type of heart attack is often fatal. As a result, the heart has fewer chances of receiving enough oxygen and nourishment to continue beating, and more heart tissue dies.

Underlying chemistry in the body. This situation, according to mineral testing research, occurs primarily in people who have a biochemical imbalance in their bodies known as a fast oxidation rate.

Calcium and magnesium levels in hair tissue tend to be quite low in these individuals, usually less than 30 mg percent or 300 ppm of calcium and less than 3 mg percent or 30 ppm of magnesium. Stress causes an increase in the sodium and potassium levels in the hair.

There are several other underlying mineral imbalances that must be addressed. They are discussed further below in the section on hair analysis.

Other potential dangers Anger, resentment, and other strong emotions may play a role in the development of this type of heart attack. Because older people are more frail and malnourished, age is a risk factor. Toxin exposure of any kind is another risk factor, as demonstrated in the case study at the beginning of this article.

Triggers. This type of heart attack can happen at any time, not just when you’re exercising. There could be a trigger that disrupts the nervous system and depletes calcium and magnesium further, exacerbating the biochemical imbalance of fast oxidation. This could be due to exercise, but it could also be due to another stressor, such as a dietary indiscretion or simply fatigue. It could also happen as a result of becoming angry or upset with a friend or a situation.


Some people have clogged arteries as well as a high oxidation rate and a low sodium/potassium ratio. They are at an even higher risk of having a fatal heart attack if they do not take action to address the deeper problems.


Both of these minerals are necessary for the health of connective tissue. The arteries and veins, as well as the connective tissue. Everyone today is zinc deficient due to zinc deficiency in the soil. As a result, our food is all low in zinc. All babies are born with low zinc levels due to zinc deficiency in their mothers.

Copper deficiency is also very common as a result of adrenal gland dysfunction and other factors. Copper deficiency is linked to atherosclerosis. Elevated copper levels deplete vitamin C, which is necessary for connective tissue health.

These two minerals are critical for maintaining the heart rhythm and the oxidation rate. Low calcium and magnesium levels are almost universal today as a result of food refining, pasteurization of milk, and low levels of these minerals in the earth’s soils which are very depleted.

Cadmium replaces zinc in the arteries, causing hardening and inflammation. As a result, it is strongly linked to heart attacks and other cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and strokes. Cadmium toxicity is extremely common in the general population. Smoking cigarettes and using marijuana, for example, exacerbate the problem. This is one reason why smoking is linked to an increased risk of heart attack. Cadmium can be found in cigarette papers, tobacco, and marijuana.

Certain mineral oxides accumulate in the body and cause severe irritation of the tissues. The link between iron toxicity and heart disease, for example, is well known.

Other minerals, such as selenium and chromium, are also required by the heart and arteries. They also require a variety of vitamins, including vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and others. The first medical failure in cardiovascular health is a failure to educate people about the close relationship between nutrition and cardiovascular health.


Prevention entails adhering to the correct diet based on the correct oxidation rate and taking approximately eight targeted nutritional supplements. It also necessitates a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of rest and sleep, as well as only light exercise. Several healing and detoxification procedures are also recommended to remove toxic metals and improve overall health.

Repeat hair mineral testing is performed to detect and correct a variety of mineral imbalances linked to an increased risk of heart attack. Blood, urine, and other testing methods used to identify these indicators have not been found to be as effective.

Other fundamental principles. Other principles are used in balancing. They include avoiding all toxic substances and procedures, concentrating on detoxification, if possible following a simple meditation exercise for directing energy downward, getting plenty of rest and preferably gentle exercise, and replenishing minerals in the body through diet, kelp supplements, sea salt, beef bone broth, and a little carrot juice.

The cleaning phase. Even at the age of 30, we know that most people have some artery clogging that has already occrued. Toxic metal poisoning affects everyone and can contribute to high blood pressure and other cardiovascular problems.

The first few years of a program are spent cleaning up. During this time, the body goes through a healing and detoxification process that eliminates some of the above-mentioned risk factors for heart attacks.


This primarily involves the use of scans to check for artery clogging and blood pressure, as well as other signs of impaired circulation, serum markers for inflammation such as C-reactive protein, and the correction of risk factors such as smoking and lack of exercise.

These measures are all useful, but they are insufficient for detecting the biochemical imbalances associated with fast oxidizer heart attacks. Furthermore, if doctors discover clogged arteries, which is common, they frequently want to rush the patient into bypass surgery. Which, despite being unnecessary, is frequently recommended.


Mineral balancing goes far beyond basic nutrition and supplementation. It clears clogged arteries, lowers blood pressure by reducing kidney toxicity and increasing artery flexibility, and can often rebuild heart muscle to some extent. Many people can go on to live a normal, healthy life after a heart attack if they follow the protocol correctly and make the required adaptations.

Chelation therapy is not usually recommended in most cases. As chelating drugs are often unnecessary and dangerous.

Medical treatment consists of bypass surgery. Those who have had a heart attack are frequently pushed into having emergency surgery to replace clogged sections of their coronary arteries with plastic tubes or veins obtained from other parts of the body. This surgery is extremely dangerous and expensive, and statistics show that it does not improve one’s chances of survival. It has numerous other side effects, including brain fog caused by the toxic effects of the anesthetics and other drugs used during and after the lengthy surgery. It is impossible to have a long surgery without becoming engulfed in toxic anesthesia drugs. Afterward, the brain is not the same.

Typically, no other options are presented to the patient, and the patient is told that the surgery must be performed immediately.

Drugs. Heart patients are frequently prescribed multiple drugs for the rest of their lives, which add toxicity to the body while doing nothing to rebuild and restore health.

Rehabilitation of the heart. Some people benefit from physical therapy following a heart attack.


-An unbalanced oxidation rate. A fast or slow oxidation rate imbalance is a risk factor for heart attacks. Screening for clogged arteries can be beneficial, but if they are discovered, a healing program rather than surgery is recommended to reverse the clogging, also known as arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis.

-The sodium/potassium ratio is low. This mineral ratio in the hair, rather than the blood, is important in heart attacks. It denotes the cell’s electrical balance. If it is low – less than 2.5 – the risk of a heart attack increases. The lower the number, the greater the risk.

-The steps up pattern on a hair mineral analysis. If all of the following symptoms are present, it is an even stronger indicator of a heart attack or stroke: The oxidation rate is rapid; the sodium/potassium ratio is less than 2.5; and the calcium/magnesium ratio is less than 5. On a calibrated chart, the mineral levels have a distinct appearance. They appear to be steps ascending to the right. In advanced acupuncture, this combination is known as the step up pattern or stepping out of life. It is a significant predictor of a future heart attack or other health disaster, such as a stroke.


Accoring to Dr Hamer and his incredible discovery know as German New Medecine (Germanische Heilkunde®), the biological conflict linked to the myocardium is an overwhelmed conflict brought on by negative stress overload. This conflict is always related to a person or people, be it a parent, child, life partner, work colleague etc… The direct stress of the person involved is the overriding factor not the situation itself (example: an overdemanding boss who lacks understanding or empathy would be the trauma causing factor as opposed to it being the exaggerated workload he is giving his overwhelmed employee. The conflict with the person is what needs to be released for healing to occur.). This is a major oversimplification and there are other conflicts linked to different conditions in different parts of the heart but sometimes it is good to start with a simple understanding. German New Medecine or as it is correctly called Germanische Heilkunde® cannot be taught by any therapist or practitioner but has to be learned individually. This incredible paradigm of health is so special and world changing, that it is quickly corrupted when in the hands of therapists and the deep state actors have been waging a war against Dr Hamer and his teachings since its inception (which is probably why you’ve never heard of it until now), the dishonest slander carries on to this day. This has been the case since it was first discovered by Dr Hamer 40 years ago. The following is link will take you to a website where you can learn the rare uncorrupted teachings by buying the course:
This course has over 100 hours of lectures which are life changing. Learn them while you are of relative health and it will change your and your family’s lives. 


The following indicators are less reliable:

1. A high cadmium level, particularly when combined with a low zinc level. In many cases, this is associated with arteriosclerosis.

2. A calcium shell. This is linked to calcification of the soft tissues, which may include the arteries, especially in people over the age of 50.

3. Patterns of inflammation. Inflammation can cause plaque formation and arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis in the arteries. An elevated sodium/potassium ratio, a four highs pattern, or a double high ratio pattern are examples of these.

Recovering from heart disease is not an impossibility as is so often suggested but a very real outcome if deeper problems are balanced and health is restored on a deeper level.

To start a full mineral balancing program to improve and heal heart health by correcting deeper issues please click here.