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Eating the correct diet with the right variety is an essential part of optimal health. The old saying ‘you are what you eat’ holds true. No matter how well you may follow other healthy habits, it is near impossible to achieve ultimate health and wellness if you neglect the fundamental aspects of correct diet and nutrition. A healthy diet needs to include the right amount of animal protein, vegetables and healthy fats. To a lesser extent, some complex carbohydrates are important too but an individuals oxidation rate needs to be taken into consideration in order to correctly balance carbs and fats.

Although very popular, vegetarian and vegan diets are unfortunately and to put it very bluntly disastrous for health. This is the case however much they are erroneously pushed as a guarantee of well being and longevity. To claim they are such, is in fact very deceitful and following vegetarian and especially vegan diets will lead to and extremely deficient and unbalanced body chemistry, so it is advised to stay well away from them. The reasons these popular diets are unhealthy are many. To begin with they are extremely high in copper and majorly zinc deficient. Excessive Copper creates cancers, yeast problems, heart disease, mental illness and skin problems (particularly in women). Zinc deficiency seriously impedes the operation detoxification of thousands of enzymes and enzyme binding sites in the body. Vegetarian and vegan diets are also very low in the critical sulfur-bearing compounds such as taurine, cysteine, carnitine and methionine, all of which are essential for heavy metals and toxic chemicals removal from the body. They are also low in protein, vitamin D, Omega 3 fatty acids and B-complex vitamins. There are many more reasons that vegetarian/vegan diets are bad for health but those mentioned above are the main ones. It is true that people will often, initially feel better on vegan or vegetarian diets but this is often down to the fact that they have removed junk and poor quality foods previously present in their diets and this will give a misleading impression that they are on the road to great health.
Another increasingly popular diet today today is the carnivore diet which although (and somewhat surprisingly for many) much healthier than a vegan or vegetarian diet, is still far from ideal. Many people manage to heal health issues whilst simultaneously boosting their energy by switching to a carnivore diet and will argue that the chemicals within plant foods (such as oxalates, phytic acid, saponins, deuterieum and goitregens among others) are highly toxic for humans to consume. It is a true that all living organisms of all types, need some form of defense from predators in order to guarantee a certain rate of reproduction to ensure survival and these toxic chemicals are the natural defense system for plants, which unlike animals, are unable to escape by running away from a threat. However by eating the right quantity of the right types of vegetables and cooking them (preferably with a pressure cooker), these chemicals can be destroyed or reduced to a point where the benefits of consuming the correct vegetables far outweigh the disadvantages. Followers of the carnivore diet will claim that once the vegetables have been cooked to this point the nutrition will also be destroyed and they will subsequently no longer be worth eating. However the important nutrients in the vegetables, such as calcium magnesium, Iron folates, chlorophyll, and many trace nutrients as well as the and wonderful phytochemicals, such as the carotenoids, lycopene, lutein and zeoanthin are well conserved and will excellently complement the important benefits of animal fats and proteins.
A third diet that is very popular these days is the ketogenic diet. It is another example of a diet which may feel good and beneficial to start with but is definitely not a good choice on the long run. Firstly, it will not provide enough of the necessary cooked vegetables which are so important to provide us with the hundreds of phytonutrients that we seem to require today in order to offset widespread problem of environmental pollution. It also contains to much fat, which although might be less of a problem for a fast oxidizer would definitely be a highly imbalanced diet for a slow oxidizer. As well as being nutritionally deficient is also a highly acidic diet and we need alkaline forming vegetables for good health.

A Diet based on the your hair mineral analysis revealing your correct oxidation rate is a crucial as most people are seriously undernourished today. As toxic metals and chemicals are removed through the rebalancing program, the body must be remineralised in part through a properly tailored and somewhat individualized diet. Everyone is mineral deficient today and the majority of people have significantly compromised digestion that gets in the way of healing and health optimization. The world we live in today is unfortunately very toxic as well as depleted of beneficial minerals. We therefore have to put more effort into diet than previous generations from 50+ years ago.I will review your hair mineral analysis in order to find your oxidation rate and set up the perfect dietary recommendations.

Fast oxidizers usually need to include extra fat with each meal. Which will balance the oxidation rate. The fast oxidation rate is burning energy on a cellular level at a fast rate and fat will help to slow it down to a more ideal rate.

For slow oxidizers it is the other way around and they generally do not require additional fat with their meals. Usually they need a little more complex carbohydrates to balance their oxidation rate.

Below we will look at the correct healthy foods which should make up our diet and also best cooking methods.

Best ways to cook:

Pressure cooking is always far superior to other methods, otherwise, steaming, slow cooking, and boiling are preferred methods. Baking, roasting, broiling, barbecuing, stir-frying, and sautéing are acceptable on occasion.

Using various methods allows for a wide range of flavor and texture.

Serving sizes can vary depending on your height, weight, and level of activity. We can adjust this better once we review the hair test results together


Cooked is always preferable (easier to digest and the cooking has also neutralized the toxic plant defense chemicals),


-Beetroot (not to much due to high oxalates)

-Pak choy

-Brussels Sprouts

-Broccoli or Broccolini (moderately)




-Celery (moderately)

-Celery Root

-Corn (especially blue corn)

-Daikon or White Radish



-Green Bean


-Lettuce (raw food should only be eaten in very moderate amounts though)



-Mushrooms (occasionally)




-Pumpkin (occasionally)


-Sweet potato





Include 1 to 2 times per day. The serving size should be about 4 or 5 ounces or 125g. This is roughly equivalent in size to a deck of cards.

Nut and seed butters are easier to digest than whole nuts and seeds which are very hard on digestion which for most people is far from optimal.

Keep the egg yolks soft and runny to conserve the healthy omega 3 from being destroyed.

Small amounts of beans and lentils can be included if tolerated.

Goat yogurt and/or Kefir are frequently tolerated better than cow yogurt and are an excellent food source if one is able to eat them. Lactose intolerance will generally improve as the body gets stronger and healthier.









-Milk (Raw goat milk if possible if not raw cow milk)

-Nut butters

-Sardine, small mackerel, small kippers, Anchovies

-Seed butter


-Animals in the wild



All other fish other than those mentioned above

Soy product

Protein powder


Grains can be included if tolerated. Make sure the oats are well cooked and if possible gluten free.



-Cob (blue or yellow)








-Granola and muesli

-Fruits (if you are eating fruit, apples, pears and berries (winter fruits) are the best option)

Fats and oils




-Dairy products (preferably raw and made from goat or sheep milk)

-Meat (fatty meat)

-Olive Oil


-Seed butters

-Nut butters

Fast oxidizers always need some extra healthy fat.

Nut and seed butters. Nuts and seeds on their own are often very hard on most people’s digestion.

Cooking with oil oxidizes it and causes it to go rancid.

Oils to use only use on rare occasions.


-Coconut Oil

-Flaxseed Oil (flaxseed oil will go rancid quite quickly so consume fresh)

-Hempseed Oil (fresh for the same reasons as flaxseed oil)

-Palm Oil

Corn, sunflower, safflower, peanut, sesame, hazelnut, and grape seed oil are all examples of refined vegetable oils.


-Hydrogenated oils



-Peanut Butter



-Spring water is preferred.

-Beef Bone Broth



-Water (spring/mineral)

-Water (carbon filtered tap)

If the water in your area is safe to drink, use a carbon-block filter.

Distilled water should only be used for 2-3 days and can aid with detoxification. However long-term use will leach minerals from the body.

A maximum of 12 cup of beef bone broth per day is permitted.

1 cup of regular coffee and 1 cup of herbal tea per day is the limit.

It’s best to drink a beverage 20 to 30 minutes before or after meals to avoid interfering with digestion by diluting stomach acid.

Drinks to Avoid

-Sweetened beverages of all kinds


These aren’t necessary, but they can make meals more appealing.

Olive oil combined with a small amount of nut and seed butters or mustard works well.

Bamboo Jade, Celtic sea salt or Sel de Guarrande are high-quality sea salts.

After cooking, sprinkle your food with these healthy salts.




-Cilantro (dried)


-Curry powder







-Pesto sauce



-Sea Salt




-Sweeteners (stevia or xylitol if absolutely necessary)

Reduce or eliminate sugar and sweeteners.

If other sweeteners are required, use small amounts of natural honey, pure maple syrup, or maple butter.

To start a full rebalancing and health optimizing program please follow this link.