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An increasingly common complaint is the condition popularly known as “brain fog”. While not officially recognized as a pathology in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, it has clearly identifiable symptoms and can be linked to a number of specific causes. In this article we have a brief look at this condition, the possible causative factors and how it can be healed with mineral and nutritional balancing.

As the name suggests, brain fog can be characterized as an overall feeling of mental haziness, a low-grade lack of clarity that can occasionally be chronic and often goes hand in hand with feeling discouraged and depressed. It can impinge upon various different areas of mental activity, affecting cognitive ability, accessing of memories and speed of acquiring and processing data. The consequences can include reduced performance at work or at school, careless accidents or problems with personal relationships. In extreme cases brain fog can affect people’s behavior in more extreme ways and result in delinquency or other criminal activity. For the many people who are affected by this increasingly common affliction the condition is usually a real burden.

For some people, the condition has been a part of their experience for so long that it can seem a familiar and almost normal factor in their everyday lives. But it can also develop very suddenly, usually in late childhood or as an adult.

Since brain fog responds well to a mineral balancing program based on our hair testing interpretation, it seems likely that the causes involve nutritional and chemical factors, although no single nutritional imbalance would appear to be to blame. Of the toxic metals, copper imbalance seems to be the most frequent, but not exclusively so. Other causes may commonly stem from a whole variety of phenomena, including:

– toxic chemicals

– adrenal exhaustion

– infections

– hypoglycemia

– brain parasites

– bowel toxicity

-Insufficient healthy fats

Less commonly, food allergies or toxins such as aspartame may be responsible, as can prescribed or recreational drugs. And rarer cases can involve overreaction to one’s environment — for example as a result of adrenal burn-out. This can lead to a closing down of some important functions — a mechanism sometimes evidenced by autistic children, who may use it as a form of psychological defence. In the same way, brain fog may be a mechanism to avoid conflicting perceptual information or an excess of data.

Although Brain Fog is very debilitating to the person experiencing it and poorly recognized by most physicians, it is a very frustrating and often depressing condition. The good news is that it usually fairly quick to remedy using mineral balancing based on hair tests.

To start a personalized balancing program with hair mineral analysis follow this link.